HC Deb 15 May 2003 vol 405 c421W
Mr. Burstow

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the unit cost of each category of inspection undertaken by the National Care Standard Commission(a) was in 2002–03 and (b) will be in 2003–04. [112349]

Jacqui Smith

The information requested is not currently available. The National Care Standards Commission is undertaking an analysis of activity and financial data in order to estimate unit costs for 2002–03. The results of this work are expected to be available at the end of July.

Mr. Burstow

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how the views of consumers are obtained by the National Care Standards Commission; and how those views influence its work. [112334]

Jacqui Smith

The National Care Standards Commission (NCSC) attaches a high priority to ensuring that service users are fully engaged in all that it does. The NCSC, as part of the implementation of its service user strategy, uses a mix of focus groups and inspection feedback tools to help evaluate the difference it is making to service users.