HC Deb 06 May 2003 vol 404 c645W
Mr. Bercow

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department if she will list(a) the

Number of projects Amount
66 projects (as a result of calls for proposals) 47,264,594 euros Four areas: support for the abolition of the death penalty, fighting impunity and promoting international justice combating racism and discrimination against ethnic minorities and the prevention of torture and rehabilitation of torture victims
51 projects (joint programmes with partners such as international organisations or national authorities) 41,379,224 euros Projects funded included election observation and assistance, support for International Penal Tribunals and establishment of the International Criminal Court and the development and consolidation of democracy and the rule of law.
15 projects (with local NGOs and civil society groups) 7,850,000 euros Democratisation activities 15 targeted countries to deepen support for local civil society initiatives.

As the Human Rights and Democracy Committee is a management committee and no legislative decisions are taken, final funding decisions are not communicated to the House. However information about all the activities of the Committee and the operation of the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights is on the Europe Aid website. (http//europa.eu.int/comm/ europeaid/projects/ddh/ddh_en.htm)

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