HC Deb 27 March 2003 vol 402 cc360-1W
Richard Burden

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions his Department has had with(a) The US Government and (b) the Government of Israel about the death of Rachel Corrie; and if he will make representations to the Israeli Government about its treatment of foreign nationals attempting to prevent the destruction of Palestinian homes by Israeli forces. [104771]

Mr. Mike O'Brien

We continue to make clear our deep concerns about the treatment of all civilians in the Occupied Territories by the Israeli authorities. I raised my concerns about civilian deaths in the Occupied Territories, including that of Rachel Corrie, in a meeting with the Israeli Ambassador on 19 March. The indiscriminate use of force by the Israel Defence Forces only fuels the cycle of violence and makes a comprehensive settlement harder to reach. We have always recognised Israel's right to take steps to provide security for its citizens, but these actions must fall within the parameters of international law.

Officials at the Consulate General in Jerusalem have discussed Rachel Corrie's death with their US counterparts.

Title Purpose Date Cost (£000)
(a) Conferences
Building a sustainable heritage held at the Science Museum To raise awareness of the principles of sustainable development to the public through DCMS sectors 30April 2002 7
People and places launch To launch social inclusion policy for the built environment—held at the Dulwich picture Gallery held at the Dulwich picture Gallery. June 2002 1.1
Golden Jubilee Faith Forum, St. James Palace To bring together young people of faith from across the UK to explore the practical dimension of faith and service to the community 9–10 June 2002 59
DCMS Finance Conference at the British Museum To bring finance directors from the Departments non-departmental public bodies up to date on recent developments, share best practice and assist in networking. 28 January 2003 2
Building Tomorrow: Culture in Regeneration Conference at The Lowry A discussion between Ministers and key players at out the role played by culture in the regeneration of urban and rural areas 25 February 2003 31.2
(b) Seminars
Golden Jubilee seminars To brief local community and voluntary groups of events planned in Plymouth and Bristol 27 March 2002 0.8
Accounting Officers Seminar, Tower of London To address a range of common strategic issues 13 May 2002 1.8
Public libraries seminar To consult professionals on the Government's strategic framework for the public library service 18 June 2002 3.7
Visual Arts seminar, London To discuss the structures and support required to assist the visual arts over the next 10 years 10 July 2002 0.3
Exploiting the scientific research programmes To raise awareness within Government of the scientific, of national museums seminar research and educational work of the national museums 22 July 2002 0.3
Creativity for wealth and welfare seminar To discuss the contribution creativity can make to wealth and welfare by participants from government, the academic world and others 26 September 2002 0.3
Cultural leadership seminar at the Globe Theatre To discuss leadership and management issues with the cultural sector 16 October 2002 1.5
Fresh Perspectives Seminar To raise awareness of core principles for involving children and young people among DCMS sectors 21 November 2002 4.2
PE school sport and club links; open morning To update key stakeholders on the content and delivery of the Government's strategy for PE, school sport and club links 5 December 2002 1.6
NDPB Chief Executives' Spring Seminar, London To address a range of common strategic issues 3 March 2003 7.2
Implementing recommendations of the Coaching Task Force To consult with key stakeholders on the Government's proposals 10 March 2003 2.4
Capital of Culture Event To acknowledge and celebrate the 12 cities short listed for the event 14 October 2002 7.6
(c) Workshops
Creative Industries Networking Event, London To bring together a range of organisations from the creative industries to share best practice July 2002 6
Informal Commonwealth Sports Ministers Meeting To discuss a range of relevant sports policy issues, including anti-doping, women in sport and sport and social cohesion 24 July 2002 35.5
Developing a closer working relationship between the DCMS and local government Workshop to explore and develop opportunities for DCMS to engage more systematically with local government 7 October 2002 0.4
(d) Exhibitions1
(e) Press conferences
Treasure Annual Report 2000 Launch at British Museum 14 August 2002 0
1 None