HC Deb 26 March 2003 vol 402 cc233-4W
Norman Baker

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what steps she is taking(a) to reduce waste arisings and (b) to facilitate the re-use of such arisings from the (i) agriculture, (ii) mining and quarrying, (iii) commercial and (iv) demolition and construction sectors. [104546]

Mr. Meacher

Government are taking a number of steps aimed at reducing waste arisings and increasing re-use.

In agriculture, we have set up the Agricultural Waste Stakeholders' Forum to inform the development of the Regulations for applying the Waste Framework Directive to agricultural waste. The Forum's terms of reference include identifying and encouraging opportunities to reduce the production of agricultural waste and are available at http://www.defra.qov.uk/environment/waste/aqforum/index.htm

Re-use of construction and demolition waste, and some types of mineral waste that can be substituted for newly won aggregates, will be encouraged through exemption from the Aggregates Levy which was introduced on 1 April 2002 at a rate of £1.60 per tonne for virgin aggregates. The Levy also encourages economy of use and less waste of aggregates at construction sites. Some funding from the Levy has also been set aside to fund projects which aim to minimise the demand for primary aggregates.

On commercial waste, Defra jointly with DTI, funds the Envirowise programme which provides free independent help and advice on environmental issues, resource efficiency and sustainable business solutions to UK companies. Waste minimisation and effective resource management are central to its aims. It is based on the principle that good environmental sense makes good business sense, and that companies can save money through resource efficiencies. Launched in 1994, Envirowise delivers its messages principally via a freephone national Helpline; On-site Resource Efficiency visits to small and medium sized enterprises by a Helpline advisor; training events; a website; and the dissemination of case studies and good practice guides. The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) also includes removing the barriers to waste minimisation and re-use as part of its mission.

The Strategy Unit's report 'Waste Not, Want Not' made a number of recommendations on waste minimisation and re-use. The government is considering its response to these recommendations, which it aims to publish around the time of the Budget.