HC Deb 20 March 2003 vol 401 cc933-5W
Harry Cohen

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister pursuant to his answer of 6 March 2003,Official Report, column 1202W, on the local government grant settlement, if he will list the specific and special grants to which he refers; which of them are ringfenced; what amount in cash terms is available for distribution to (a) local authorities and (b) other organisations for each; when he plans for bids to be submitted to him for a share of each grant; and if he will make a statement. [103323]

Mr. Raynsford

The following table gives up-to-date details of specific and special grants announced for 2003–04. Some grants are bid for and successful bids

Details of Specific and Special Grant
Specific/Special Grant Department Ring-fenced? Bids? Amount available to local authorities in 2003–04 unless otherwise stated (millions)
Standards Fund DIES Yes No 1,339
Excellence in Cities DfES No No 219
School Standards DfES No No 800
Teachers' Pay Reform DfES Yes No 745
Childcare DfES Yes No 230
Leadership Incentive DfES Yes No 175
Intervention in Failing LEAs DIES Yes No 5
London Budget Support Grant DIES Yes No 11.29
Personal Social Services
Carers DH Yes No 100
Training Support Programme DH Yes Biddable Element—£13 million (deadline 25 April) 57
National Training Strategy DH Yes No 25
Preserved Rights DH No No 509
Performance Fund DH Yes No 100
Children's Services DH Yes No 557
Human Resources Development Strategy DH Yes No 10
Access & Systems Capacity DH Yes No 170
Care Direct DH Yes No 5
Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services DH Yes No 51
Young People's Substance Misuse Planning DH Yes No 5
Teenage Pregnancy Local Implementation DH Yes No 24
Deferred Payments DH Yes No 40
Mental Health DH Yes No 134
AIDS Support DH Yes No 17
Crime Fighting Fund HO Yes No 238
Outer London Pay Lead HO Yes No 10
Rural Policing Fund HO Yes No 28
Police Negotiating Board HO Yes Yes 36
DNA Grant HO Yes Yes 9
Basic Command Units HO Yes No 47
London & South East Allowance HO Yes No 20
London Travel HO Yes No 3
Community Support Officers HO Yes Yes 39
Officer Retention Over 30 Years HO Yes Yes 1
Special Constables HO Yes Part 8
Occupational Health HO Yes No 5
Street Crime Initiative HO Yes Part 25
Reform Deal HO Yes Yes 8
Non Emergency Number HO Yes No 3
National Intelligence Model HO Yes Yes 2
Counter Terrorism HO Yes Yes 58
Airwaves Communication Project HO Yes No 58

receive allocations. The majority are allocated to all qualifying authorities by a formula or on an agreed basis. The definition of ring-fencing was updated last year to reflect the types of grant which now exist. Some grants previously classified as ring-fenced are not now classified in this way. The key distinction made remains that ring-fenced grants are those which restrict local authority spending. For completeness the following list includes all special grants inside Aggregate External Finance. Further details of classifications are in an annex to the freedoms and flexibilities announcement of 26 November. Under the terms of the freedoms and flexibilities announcement, from 2003–04, the majority of the grants in the following table are unfenced for excellent performers. Exceptions include those grants which must be passed to schools, and the supporting people grant, where in view of the legislative requirements, different arrangements are in place for removing ring-fencing for excellent performers.

Details of Specific, and Special Grant
Specific/Special Grant Department Ring-fenced? Bids? Amount available to local authorities in 2003–04 unless otherwise stated (millions)
Environment Protective and Cultural Services
Council Tax Benefit and Housing Benefit Administration DWP No No 321
Supporting People ODPM Yes No 1,400
Civil Defence CO Yes No 19
Waste Re-Cycling Challenge DEFRA Yes No 40
Personalised Travel Pilots DfT Yes Local Traffic Authorities, Passenger Transport Executives, Transport for London, BAA Heathrow invited to bid for funding in July 2002 0.586
Roadside Vehicle Testing DfT Yes Yes, bids accepted at any time 4
Travel Plan Bursaries DfT Yes No 3
Probation Loan Charges DfT Yes No 3
Neighbourhood Wardens ODPM Yes Yes, every 21 years, although annual review/performance management takes place 21 (20 per cent. to other organisations—housing associations, charitable groups, police)
Planning Delivery Grant ODPM No No 50 (46.9 to local authorities, 3.1 to regional planning bodies)
Magistrates Courts LCD Yes No 330
Rural Bus Subsidy DfT Yes No 50
Rural Bus Challenge DfT Yes Yes, most bids for funding in 2003–04 have been accepted in January 2003 and in earlier years of the competition, the future of this scheme has yet to be decided. 20
Urban Bus Challenge DfT Yes Yes, most bids for funding in 2003–04 have been accepted in November 2002 and in earlier years of the competition, the future of this scheme has yet to be decided 20
National Parks and Broads DEFRA Yes No 25
PFI ODPM No No 340
Neighbourhood Renewal Fund ODPM No No 400
GLA General Grant ODPM No No 35
LPSA Reward ODPM No No 21