HL Deb 13 March 2003 vol 645 cc193-4WA
Lord Kilclooney

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the total strength of the Royal Irish Regiment; and how many servicemen come from (a) Northern Ireland; (b) Great Britain; and (c) the Republic of Ireland. [HL1388]

Lord Bach

As at 3 March 2003, the total strength of servicemen and servicewomen currently serving in the general service and home service battalions of the Royal Irish Regiment (R IRISH) is 4,107, which is split down as follows:

The Royal Irish Regiment (R IRISH)
Nationality General Service Home Service Total
Northern Ireland 250 3,088 3,338
Great Britain 170 513 683
Republic of Ireland 19 7 26

The Royal Irish Regiment (R IRISH)
Nationality General Service Home Service Total
Others1 41 19 60
Total 480 3,627 4,107
1 Others include personnel from Fiji, Jamaica, Canada, New Zealand, St Helena, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Antigua and the Isle of Man.

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