HC Deb 10 March 2003 vol 401 cc41-2W
Llew Smith

To ask the Prime Minister what action he has taken against United Kingdom companies which assisted Iraq in providing equipment and material in support of weapons of mass destruction. [100113]

The Prime Minister

Following the inquiry led by Sir Richard Scott (now Lord Scott of Foscote), the Government has introduced a number of legislative and non-legislative measures to improve the UK export control regime, culminating in the Export Control Act of 2002.

A number of UK companies and individuals were prosecuted for the supply of goods to Iraq in contravention of legislation in force at the time. The prosecutions were subsequently scrutinised by Lord Scott as part of his inquiry.

Any further allegations that there have been breaches of export controls in respect of exports to Iraq would require careful examination by HM Customs and Excise, which is responsible for the enforcement of UK export controls.

Mr. Allen

To ask the Prime Minister if, in the event of conflict with Iraq, he will issue a statement of the war aims of the United Kingdom, with particular reference to the post-war government of Iraq. [101408]

The Prime Minister

No decision to launch military action against Iraq has been taken. Our policy objectives were set out by my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary in his written statement of 7 January 2003,Official Report, column 4WS.

Mr. Allen

To ask the Prime Minister what plans he has to publish the actions which the Government of Iraq must take in order to avoid conflict with Her Majesty's forces, and the maximum length of time in which those actions must be completed; and if he will make a statement. [101502]

The Prime Minister

I refer the hon. Member to answers I gave at Prime Minister's questions on 5 March 2003,Official Report, columns 808–17.

Mr. Allen

To ask the Prime Minister what discussions he has had with other governments about the costs of(a) a conflict in Iraq and (b) the subsequent occupation of the country. [101636]

The Prime Minister

No decision has been taken to launch military action against Iraq. I regularly discuss all aspects of our Iraq policy with other governments.

Mr. Andrew Turner

To ask the Prime Minister what records the Government has kept of claims by Mr.Hussain Karnell relating to the destruction of weapons by Iraq. [101736]

The Prime Minister

Mr Kamil's claims were dealt with by UNSCOM, not the UK. UNSCOM's files are now the responsibility of UNMOVIC. It is they that have the most complete records of Iraqi disarmament claims which they share by regular reports to the UN Security Council.

Mr. Allen

To ask the Prime Minister when he first decided that the possible use of military action to disarm or overthrow Saddam Hussein should become British defence policy. [101922]

The Prime Minister

No decision to launch military action against Iraq has been taken. Our policy objectives remain as set out by my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary in his written statement of 7 January 2003,Official Report, column 4WS. United Nations Security Council resolution 1441(2002) recalls that the Council has repeatedly warned Iraq that it will face serious consequences as a result of its continued violation of its obligations.

Mr. Challen

To ask the Prime Minister if it is the policy of the Government that the second United Nations resolution on the Iraq crisis will invoke Article 42 of the United Nations Charter. [101931]

The Prime Minister

The draft resolution tabled by the UK, US and Spain on 24 February makes it clear that the Security Council would be acting under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, which includes Article 42. It does not make specific reference to individual articles of the Charter.

Llew Smith

To ask the Prime Minister what his policy is in respect of providing compensation to families of civilian victims of military action against Iraq. [101995]

The Prime Minister

No decision to launch military action against Iraq has been taken. The UK is committed to acting in accordance with international law.

Llew Smith

To ask the Prime Minister pursuant to his statement of 25 February 2003,Official Report, column 123, on Iraq, what the evidential basis was for his statement that Saddam Hussein has used much of the money from the oil-for-food programme for his own and his family's personal use. [102072]

The Prime Minister

This information comes from a number of sources, including contracts submitted for approval to the UN Sanctions Committee.

Mr. Allen

To ask the Prime Minister whether Lord Levy has represented him in discussions with overseas governments on policy towards Iraq. [101412]

The Prime Minister
