HL Deb 07 March 2003 vol 645 cc135-6WA
Lord Vivian

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What the operational welfare package is comprised of for those troops serving in the Gulf; and what is the allocation of telephone calls, e-mails and forces' airmail letters per individual. [HL1941]

Lord Bach

The operational welfare package (OWP) is in the process of being implemented in all Gulf locations where operational and environmental factors allow. In order to provide the degree of support appropriate to the different stages of the deployment the OWP is being implemented in phases. While the aim is to provide as much of the OWP as possible, commensurate with the phase of the operation, commanders are aware that there are necessary limitations to what can sensibly be delivered.

The operational welfare package for United Kingdom Armed Forces serving in the Gulf comprises the following:

  1. (a) Telephones—Deployed personnel will have access to telephones at a ratio of 1:30 for manoeuvre forces and 1:50 for all other forces. Personnel are provided with 20 minutes of publicly funded talk-time every week.
  2. (b) Internet—Internet access is provided in those locations where the infrastructure allows. Access will not be provided for manoeuvre forces as they move from one location to another but a service will be provided to them as soon as practicable thereafter.
  3. (c) Mail—British Forces Post Offices are in place for all personnel serving in the Gulf; there is no individual limit on the number of forces free aerogrammes which may be sent or received.
  4. (d) E-mail— An electronic version of the free forces aerogramme is available for all personnel; there is no individual limit on the number of messages which may be sent.
  5. (e) British Forces Broadcasting Service ( BFBS)—A BFBS television and radio service is in the process of being established for all locations.
  6. (f) Expeditionary Forces Institute(EFI)—EFI has deployed shop facilities to most locations. A WA 136 mobile EFI shop will he provided at those locations where environmental factors do not allow the deployment of a static EFI facility.
  7. (g) Newspapers—Newspapers are being delivered to most locations where air transport allows.
  8. (h) Library Service—Books have been made available at the Services Mounting Centre for personnel to read on their flight and then exchange in theatre. Once air transport scheduling allows, bulk supplies of books will be shipped to theatre.

When operational circumstances allow, we will consider the deployment of additional elements of the OWP. These are: provision of full stocks of fitness equipment; introducing the opportunity for rest and recuperation; and Combined Services Entertainment shows.