HC Deb 05 March 2003 vol 400 cc1091-3W
Mr. Ben Chapman

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will make a statement on the remuneration of special constables. [99551]

Mr. Denham

We have introduced the Special Constabulary (Amendment) Regulations 2002 to allow Police Authorities, following a recommendation of the Chief Officer, to make proposals to pay a locally funded allowance to special constables appointed for their area (or part of their area). Such schemes will require the approval of the Secretary of State.

The change in Regulations will enable a number of trial schemes to be run to help establish what effect such locally funded payments have on Specials' recruitment and retention and the number of hours they are able to offer their force.

Bob Russell

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what the strength was of the special constabulary in each police authority area in(a) May 1997 and (b) May 2001; and what the strength is in each area. [99638]

Mr. Denham

Special constabulary numbers for this period are recorded centrally every six months in September and March. The latest figures available and the number of serving special constables in each police force area for March 1997 and 2001 are set out in the table.

Police force urea March 1997 March 2001 March 2002
Avon and Somerset 759 400 364
Bedfordshire 182 115 118
Cambridgeshire 303 218 207
Cheshire 475 290 191
Cleveland 160 93 85
Cumbria 189 156 102
Derbyshire 428 275 260
Devon and Cornwall 1,148 796 689
Dorset 289 267 253
Durham 184 146 134
Essex 634 445 381
Gloucestershire 297 183 154
Greater Manchester 685 367 338
Hampshire 621 454 444
Hampshire 621 454 444
Hertfordshire 297 198 206
Humberside 340 212 207
Kent 589 392 327
Lancashire 483 360 363
Leicestershire 415 162 143
Lincolnshire 271 166 155
City of London 86 43 36
Merseyside 401 541 468
Metropolitan Police 1,714 774 680
Norfolk 402 259 244
Northamptonshire 316 188 177
Northumbria 533 300 256
North Yorkshire 362 182 185
Nottinghamshire 620 335 341
South Yorkshire 308 188 206
Staffordshire 685 402 384
Suffolk 379 349 308
Surrey 297 149 187
Sussex 472 306 306
Thames Valley 656 418 356
Warwickshire 381 221 209
West Mercia 582 399 339
West Midlands 945 617 598
West Yorkshire 690 415 349
Wiltshire 154 152 147
Dyfed-Powys 283 191 157
Gwent 157 137 142
North Wales 341 207 125
South Wales 361 254 277
Total all forces 19,874 12,722 11,598

Since March 1998, information on the strength of special constabularies for each Police Force has been published in the Home Office Statistical Bulletins on police strength in England and Wales, copies of which are available in the Library.

Bob Russell

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department when he will make a statement on the outcome of the Special Constabulary Weekend of 21–23 February. [99639]

Mr. Denham

The initial responses that we have received following the National Specials Weekend have been very positive, showing the impressive contribution that specials make to policing. Some of the activities of the Weekend will form the basis of an article to be published in March in `Specialbeat' (an internal Special Constabulary magazine). An article on the Weekend's outcomes will also appear on the new website www.specialconstables.gov.uk which was launched at the same time as the Weekend. I am grateful to the hon. Member who replied to my invitation to support the Weekend.

Bob Russell

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) if he will make further funding available to chief constables to finance allowances under the Special Constables (Amendment) Regulations 2002 to assist schemes aimed at the recruitment and retention of special constables; and if he will make a statement; [99645]

(2) if he will investigate local schemes introduced under the Special Constables (Amendment) Regulations 2002 to assess the effect of payment on recruitment and retention of special constables; and if he will publish the findings of such an investigation; [99646]

(3) how many police authorities have applied to him for approval to introduce an allowance for special constables under the Special Constables (Amendment) Regulations 2002; how many he has (a) approved and (b) refused; and what measures he has taken to monitor schemes; [99647]

(4) what discussions he has had with the Chancellor of the Exchequer to exempt special constables from income tax being levied on allowances paid under the Special Constables (Amendment) Regulations 2002; and if he will make a statement. [99644]

Mr. Denham

We recognise that some forces feel it would be helpful to use local funding to pay specials involved in particular schemes and introduced The Special Constables (Amendment) Regulations 2002, which came into force on 10 January 2003. Under these new regulations, Police Authorities may, following a recommendation by the Chief Officer, make proposals to pay a locally funded allowance to special constables appointed for their area (or part of their area). Proposals must have the approval of the Secretary of State.

It is for the Police Authority to propose the size and terms and conditions of an allowance appropriate to their area or scheme. It will be open to police authorities to obtain sponsorship to help fund the schemes or to fund them entirely from their existing resources. We expect that, when they are developing proposals, police authorities will take advice from the Inland Revenue on the likely implications of paying an allowance.

Several police authorities have expressed an interest in developing allowance schemes but we have yet to receive any formal proposals. We will be looking for a number of innovative trial schemes which will enable an evidence-based assessment to be made of the effect of local payment schemes on recruitment and retention and the number of hours offered by specials, and whether such schemes offer value for money.