HC Deb 10 June 2003 vol 406 cc791-2W
Mr. Horam

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions which United Kingdom commitments arising from the World Summit on Sustainable Development(a) have been incorporated into the Department's existing delivery plan for Service Delivery

Agreements and (b) will be incorporated in its delivery plan for Service Delivery Agreements in advance of the 2004 Spending Review. [113939]

Malcolm Wicks [holding answer 22 May 2003]

The Department is fully committed to delivering the objectives of sustainable development (SD) both through its core business policies and its operations. A Departmental Strategy is under development, and progress against cross-Government and DWP specific targets is published annually. A Ministerial SD Task Force has been established to consider WSSD outcomes and review the UK Strategy for SD, at which I will represent DWP.