HC Deb 10 June 2003 vol 406 cc763-4W
Mr. Drew

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement on the status of the Ministry of Defence's Depleted Uranium Oversight Board; what its membership is; who they are representing; and if he will place in the Library recent deliberations and statements made by the Board. [117596]

Immunisation Position during operation GRANBY Current Position
Poliomyelitis Offered to all non-immune personnel. Administered by mouth Offered to all non-immune personnel. Administered by mought
Tuberculosis Recruits without a BCG immunisation scar and who were not shown to be immune were offered BCG immunization. Recruits without a BCG immunisation scare and who are not shown to be immune were offered BCG immunization.
Meningococal meningitis In August 1990, immunisation against meningococcal meningitis strains A and C was recommended for all personnel serving in the Gulf. By 15 September 1990, the immunization was no longer recommended except for medical personnel and personnel who may be at risk by way of frequent contact with host nation personnel. Immunisation against meningococcal meningitis strains A and C involved one vaccination which was effective against both strains. Immunisation against meningogoccal meningitis offered to those deploying to a high risk area, where the length of the deployment, or the activities to be undertaken place them at risk.
Typhoid Offered to all personnel. Administered with tetanus vaccine as one combined immunization. Typhoid vaccine offered to all personnel. May be combined with Hepatitis A as a single combined vaccine if both required. No combined typhoid and tetanus preparation now available.

We have a duty to provide our troops with the best available equipment with which to protect themselves and succeed in conflict. Depleted Uranium munitions provide a unique anti-armour capability. Therefore, British Forces deployed to the Gulf have DU munitions available as part of their armoury, and

Dr. Moonie

I am placing a copy of the Depleted Uranium Oversight Board (DUOB) Terms of Reference and the current membership list in the Library of the House. Additionally, all deliberations and decisions made by the board are contained in the minutes of DUOB meetings which are publicly available on the internet at www.duob.org.uk.

Mr. Drew

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement on the appointment of Dr. Chris Bushy to the Depleted Uranium Oversight Board, and explain the representative purpose of this appointment. [117597]

Dr. Moonie

Dr. Chris Busby was nominated for membership of the Depleted Uranium Oversight Board (DUOB) by a veterans' organisation during the open consultation held by the Ministry of Defence on the introduction of a voluntary screening programme for depleted uranium. MOD subsequently invited Dr. Busby to become a member of the DUOB in September 2001.

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