HC Deb 14 July 2003 vol 409 cc112-4W
Mrs. Curtis-Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will list the shadow commissioners who have been appointed to help establish the new Commission for Healthcare and Inspection which will be operational from April 2004; and for which companies they work. [124392]

Ms Rosie Winterton

The following have been appointed as shadow commissioners.

Khurshid Alam is a personnel manager with St. Mungo's Housing Association. Previously he was Chief Executive of the National Association of Race Equality Councils. He is Chair of Race Agenda and a lay member of the Employment Tribunal, a lay member for Mental Health Review Tribunal and member or chair of a number of community organisations.

Sarah Blackburn is chief executive of a consultancy specialising in the development of business risk management assurance and audit capabilities. She has been head of internal audit and risk management in Argos plc, Kingfisher plc, RAC plc and Exel plc. She is a member of the Audit Committee of the Open University and the Internal Auditing Committee of the Audit and Assurance Faculty of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. She chairs the Technical Development Committee of the Institute of Internal Auditors.

Michael Hake is Corporate Director, Social Care and Performance at Solihull Metropolitan Council. He has been a board member of the National Care Standards Commission since its establishment in April 2001. He is also a member of the Patient Information Advisory Group (Advisory NDPB) and of the Health Records and Data Protection Review Group.

Bruce Keogh is a consultant cardiothoracic surgeon at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust where he has been Associate Medical Director for Clinical Governance. He is a member of the NHS Standing Medical Advisory Committee, the National Taskforce for Coronary Heart Disease and a Commissioner of the Commission for Health Improvement (CHI). He chairs the joint CHI and Audit Commission National Service Frameworks Programme Board which reviews the implementation of the National Service Frameworks in England and Wales. He is active in the NHS Information Authority, Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, Royal College of Surgeons and internationally.

Melinda Letts is a self-employed health policy consultant and executive/life coach working with voluntary, public and private sector clients. She is also Chairwoman of the Long-term Medical Conditions Alliance, an alliance of 118 health charities working for people with long-term conditions, was chief executive of the National Asthma Campaign from 1992 to 1998 and is Deputy Chair of the General Practice Airways Group, an educational charity for health professionals in respiratory care. She has been a Commissioner with the Commission for Health Improvement since November 1999 and a member of the NHS Modernisation Board since September 2000.

Nicholas Partridge is Chief Executive of the Terrence Higgins Trust, the leading HIV/AIDS charity in the UK. He is Chair of Consumers in NHS Research and Development, a Trustee of International Family Health and has been a Commissioner for the Commission for Health Improvement since November 1999.

Kamlesh Patel is Director of the Centre for Ethnicity and Health and current Chairman of the Mental Health Act Commission. He is also a non-executive board member and Chairman of the Audit Committee of The National Treatment Agency, a member of the Department of Health Mental Health Workforce Task Group and is non-executive board member, executive member and Trustee of a number of voluntary organisations including Lifeline UK, DrugScope UK, Men's Health Forum.

Shirley Pearce is Pro-Vice Chancellor and Professor of Health Psychology at the University of East Anglia. She is a clinical psychologist by profession and has been employed in both NHS and University settings. She led the development of health professional education and research programmes at the University of East Anglia which includes the University's successful bid for, and implementation of, a new medical school. She is currently the Director of the Centre for Inter-professional Practice at UEA and a non executive director of Norfolk Suffolk and Cambridgeshire SHA.

John Scampion is the Commissioner for Immigration Services. For five years he was the Social Fund Commissioner for Great Britain. He is a member of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board and a former non-executive director of South Warwickshire Combined Hospital NHS Trust. He was Town Clerk and Chief Executive of the Metropolitan Borough of Solihull from 1977–1995.

Iqbal Singh is a Consultant Physician in Medicine for the Elderly and a Professor in Ethnicity and Health. He is also the Regional Sub-Dean for the Royal Society of Medicine and has played a significant role in providing leadership to various professional organisations including as Director of the Indian Medical Association, Divisional Chairman of BMA and ODA and Member of the BMA's National. Committee on Community Care. His interests include professional development and training and diversity, social cohesion and delivery of health care to ethnic communities for which he had contributed nationally and internationally.

Paul Streets is the Chief Executive of Diabetes UK. He is a member of the NHS Modernisation Board and the only lay member of the Royal College of Physicians Council. In 2002 he chaired the Board advising on the transition to the new patient and public involvement structures within the NHS.

Stephen Thornton is Chief Executive of The PPP Foundation (shortly to become The Health Foundation), an independent foundation encouraging leadership and innovation in healthcare. He was previously Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation and a health authority Chief Executive. He is a member of the Governing Council of the Open University.