§ Mr. HurstTo ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many(a) fatal and (b) non-fatal accidents have been reported to the Health and Safety Executive in each year since 1973. [118828]
Injuries in Great Britain as reported to all enforcing authorities during the period 1973 to 2001–02 Employees Self-employed Fatal Major Over three day Total injuries Fatal Major Over three day Total injuries 1973 549 1— 1— 549 1— 1— 1— 1— 1974 651 1— 1— 651 1— 1— 1— 1— 1975 620 1— 1— 620 1— 1— 1— 1— 1976 584 1— 1— 584 1— 1— 1— 1— 1977 524 1— 1— 524 1— 1— 1— 1— 1978 499 1— 1— 499 123 1— 1— 123 1979 492 1— 1— 492 123 1— 1— 123 1980 440 1— 1— 440 139 1— 1— 139 1981 441 12,316 1— 12,757 54 91 1— 145 1982 472 12,286 1— 12,758 48 127 1— 175 1983 448 12,453 1— 12,901 65 114 1— 179 1984 438 12,494 1— 12,932 60 144 1— 204 1985 400 13,175 1— 13,575 71 206 1— 277 1986–87 355 20,695 159,011 180,061 52 690 1,029 1,771 1987–88 361 20,057 159,852 180,270 84 867 1,169 2,120 1988–89 2529 19,944 163,119 183,063 80 1,152 1,503 2,735 1989–90 370 20,396 165,244 186,010 105 1,310 1,865 3,280 1990–91 346 19,896 160,811 181,053 87 1,326 2,077 3,490 1991–92 297 17,597 152,506 170,400 71 1,101 1,832 3,004 1992–93 276 16,938 141,147 158,361 63 1,115 2,136 3,314 1993–94 245 16,705 134,928 151,878 51 1,274 2,531 3,856 1994–95 191 17,041 139,349 156,581 81 1,313 2,869 4,263 1995–96 209 16,568 130,582 147,359 49 1,166 2,394 3,609 1996–97 207 27,964 127,286 155,457 80 1,356 2,282 3,718 1997–98 212 29,187 134,789 164,188 62 815 984 1,861 1998–99 188 28,368 132,295 160,851 65 685 849 1,599 1999–2000 162 28,652 135,381 164,195 58 663 732 1,453 2000–01 213 27,524 134,105 161,842 79 630 715 1,424 2001–02 206 28,011 129,655 157,872 45 929 917 1,891 844W
Members of the public Fatal Non fatal Total injuries 1973 1— 1— 1— 1974 1— 1— 1— 1975 1— 1— 1— 1976 1— 1— 1— 1977 1— 1— 1— 1978 1— 1— 1— 1979 1— 1— 1—
§ Mr. BrowneThe following table gives the figures for fatal and non-fatal accidents reported to the enforcing authorities (Health and Safety Executive and local authorities) from 1973 to 2001–02 (the latest year for which figures are available). Discontinuity in the series of figures reflects changes in the legislation requiring reporting of such accidents.
Injuries at work to employees and self-employed persons and members of the public injured as a result of someone else's work activity as reported to all enforcing authorities (HSE and local authorities) under various legislation.
- 1. For the calendar years prior to 1981, Factories Act (1961)
- 2. For the calendar years 1981 to 1985, Notification of Accidents and Dangerous occurrences Regulations (NADOR)
- 3. For the planning years 1 April 1986–31 March 1996, Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR 85)
- 4. For the Subsequent planning years commencing April 1st 1996, RIDDOR 95.
It is not possible to separate the data on accidents reported between those reported to HSE and those reported to local authorities.
Members of the public Fatal Non-fatal Total injuries 1980 1— 1— 1— 1981 71 5,609 5,680 1982 83 5,618 5,680 1983 85 6,331 6,416 1984 105 6,679 6,784 1985 3159 6,939 6,939 1986– 92 14,575 14,667
Members of the public Fatal Non fatal Total injuries 1987–88 113 12,880 12,993 1988–89 121 12,614 12,735 1989–90 4206 11,378 11,378 1990–91 139 9,981 10,120 1991–92 105 11,009 11,114 1992–93 113 10,669 10,782 1993–94 107 11,552 11,659 1994–95 104 12,642 12,746 1995–96 86 13,234 13,320 1996–97 367 35,694 36,061 1997–98 393 28,613 29,006 1998–99 369 23,800 24,169 1999–2000 436 25,059 25,495 2000–01 444 20,836 21,280 2001–02 393 14,834 15,227 1 Not available. 2 Includes the 56 fatalities to members of the public in the Bradford City football club disaster. 3 Includes the 167 fatalities in the Piper Alpha disaster, 6 July 1988. 4 Includes the 95 fatalities and 766 non-fatal injuries to members of the public arising from the Hillsborough stadium disaster.
§ Dr. IddonTo ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many inspections of premises have been carried out by the Health and Safety Executive's Field Operations Directorate in Bolton in each of the last 10 years. [117131]
§ Mr. BrowneThe information is not available in the format requested. Such information as is available is in the following table:
Table 1: The numbers of inspection contacts made by HSE's field operations directorate in Bolton LA between 1995–96 and 2002–03 Number 1995–96 516 1996–97 748 1997–98 347 1998–99 263 1999–2000 297 2000–01 403 2001–02 329 2002–03 219 Notes:
1. The data have been taken from FOD's FOCUS database and refer to the numbers of inspection contacts (which may not correlate precisely with the numbers of inspections) in the Bolton local authority.
2. Data on numbers of inspections are not available.
3. Data for years 1993–94 and 1994–95 are not available.
4. The data exclude contacts to premises now inspected by HSE's Hazardous Installations Directorate, part of which was subsumed in FOD until 1996.
5. The high number for inspection contacts in 1996–97 is believed to be due in large part to a programme of management audits in the health services.
§ Mr. CoxTo ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many prosecutions have been taken against employers for breaking health and safety rules in each of the last three years. [118550]
§ Mr. BrowneThe information is in the tables.
Number of prosecutions taken against employers by the Health and Safety Executive for health and safety at work offences in each of the last three years for which figures are available. 846W
Table 1 Year1 Separate offences prosecuted 1999–2000 1,339 2000–01 1,408 2001–02 1,468 Number of prosecutions taken against employers and others by local authorities.
Table 2 Year1 Separate offences prosecuted (all defendants)2 1999–2000 412 2000–01 401 2001–02 Not yet available 1 The annual basis is the planning year from 1 April to 31 March. 2 Figures for offences prosecuted by local authorities specifically against employers are not available except at disproportionate cost.