HC Deb 09 July 2003 vol 408 cc870-1W
Sue Doughty

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) when the contract for regulating the Landfill Tax Credit scheme was last awarded to Entrust; whether the contract was awarded by(a) tender and (b) open competition; how the contract was advertised; and when the current contract expired; [123618]

(2) what measures are in place to ensure that the operations of Entrust (a) provide value for money and (b) remain within Entrust 's remit; [123619]

(3) to whom the directors of Entrust report at annual general meetings of Entrust; and if he will make a statement; [123620]

(4) to whom the assets of Entrust revert in the event of Entrust ceasing to trade; [123621]

(5) if he will make a statement on Entrust's obligations to the Government, with specific reference to how (a) the meeting of these obligations is financed and (b) value for money is secured; [123623]

(6) what guidelines (a) his Department and (b) HM Customs and Excise has issued regarding the appointment of directors to the Board of Directors of Entrust; [123624]

(7) how many directors of the Board of Entrust have (a) past and (b) current experience of working for landfill operators; and if he will list them; [123627]

(8) if he will list the directors of Entrust and then occupations. [123628]

John Healey

Entrust is a private, not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. It was appointed the regulator of the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme (LTCS) the previous Government in 1996. It works to Terms of Approval agreed with Customs and Excise and is closely monitored to ensure that it is carrying out its regulatory function in line with these obligations. The current Terms of Approval took effect on 5 October 2001, and are available on the Entrust website at www.Entrust.org.uk

Part of Customs' stewardship of Entrust is to monitor its expenditure. A survey in 2000/01 established that its administrative costs are in line with similar bodies. Later this year Customs will complete another survey. Under the Terms of Approval the Board of Entrust submits its annual report to the Commissioners of Customs and Excise.

If Entrust were to cease to trade then the assets of the company would be transferred to a successor body or, where this does not exist, to a body with similar objectives. The company is financed through enrolment fees from approved environmental bodies and through an agreed percentage of qualifying contribution; received by these approved bodies (currently 2 per cent.).

Details on the Directors of Entrust and their experience can be found on their website. Also to be found there are the Terms of Approval which cover the appointment of Directors. It is the policy of the Board of Entrust that any appointment takes place in accordance with the principles laid down by Lord Nolan.

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