HC Deb 08 July 2003 vol 408 cc745-6W
Mrs. Curtis-Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what the business start-up rates were in(a) Merseyside, (b) the North West and (c) the UK in 2001–02; and how many survived for a year. [124205]

Nigel Griffiths

Business start-ups are measured officially by VAT registrations. The latest year for which VAT registration data is available is 2001.

VAT Registrations 2001
Number Rate per 10,000 adults
United Kingdom 175,455 37
North West 17,565 32
Merseyside Metropolitan County1 3,370 30
1 Excludes Halton UA


Business Start-ups and Closures: VAT Registrations and De-registrations 1980–2001, Small Business Service.

One-year VAT survival data is available for 2000 but not yet for 2001.

They show a greater-than-average survival rate for businesses in Greater Merseyside.

VAT Survival Rates: Businesses still registered for VAT 12 months after registration
United Kingdom 91.4
North West 90.6
Greater Merseyside2 92.4
2 Includes Halton UA


Small Business Service