HC Deb 07 July 2003 vol 408 c626W
Dr. Cable

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what criteria the Department employs in assessing parental contributions under the Aided Pupils Scheme for musically gifted pupils at specialist schools; and how housing costs are allowed for. [123441]

Mr. Miliband

The Aided Pupil Scheme, part of the Music and Dance Scheme, is an annually assessed means-tested scheme that required parents to make a contribution towards fees according to their means. Gross income from all sources is assessed so that all parents are placed on a similar footing wherever they live. The amount (if any) parents pay is on a sliding scale linked to total income and the scales are constructed so that the least well-off families benefit most. No deductions are made in respect of outgoings such as mortgage repayments, pension contributions and the normal day to day costs of living when assessing a family's total gross income. The method of income assessment ensures that a proper balance is struck between the amount parents can realistically be expected to contribute and the amount of taxpayers' money that is provided for the scheme.