HC Deb 02 July 2003 vol 408 c329W
Mrs. Brooke

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what funding he has provided for Victim Support in England in each of the last six years; [117115]

(2) what funding he has provided for the Witness Service in each of the last six years; [117116]

(3) what representations he has received on the funding of Witness Support Services in England; and if he will make a statement. [117117]

Paul Goggins

Home Office grant to local victim support schemes and witness services in England and Wales is channelled through the Victim Support National Office. The National Office currently retains some 12½ per cent. of the grant for central support and member services, and allocates the rest to local schemes and witness services. From October 2003, Victim Support will allocate the grant progressively according to a new funding formula, based on potential workload. This will ensure a more equitable distribution of the available grant to local schemes and witness services.

Financial year Total Home Office grant to Victim Support Grant allocated to the Witness Service by Victim Support
1997–98 12.682 n/a
1998–99 12.682 n/a
1999–2000 17.500 n/a
2000–01 18.550 3.859
2001–02 25.050 7.427
2002–03 29.300 1(4.606)
1First six months of the financial year only

Some 20 Members have made representations about the level of Home Office funding for Victim Support in the current financial year—which has been further increased by 2.4 per cent. to £30 million. There have been no representations specifically about the funding of the Witness Service.