HC Deb 28 January 2003 vol 398 cc767-8W
Lady Hermon

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what progress has been made on the development of the North Down Waste Water Treatment Works at Donaghadee; and whether the Under-Secretary of State, the hon. Member for Basildon (Angela Smith), has met the Donaghadee Planning Action Group in relation to this matter. [92302]

Angela Smith

The decision to locate the North Down Wastewater Treatment Works on the site adjacent to the Donaghadee Carpet Factory was taken in February 2002 by Peter Robinson MP MLA, the then Minister for Regional Development, following a detailed site search and appraisal process, and consideration and evaluation of all relevant factors.

An application for Crown Development for the Works was made by Water Service on 14 May 2002. The application was accompanied by an Environmental Statement. Planning Service has consulted specialist advisers within Government and in the public sector on the application and the Environmental Statement. A number of responses are awaited. When these are received, Planning Service will assess the responses from consultees to ensure that they are satisfied with the content of the Environmental Statement. If further information is required, an addendum to the Environmental Statement will be necessary.

The application and the Environmental Statement were advertised for public comment in accordance with the normal procedures. A substantial number of objections have been received, including the Donaghadee Planning Action Group. On completion of the consultation process associated with the planning application and the Environmental Statement, Planning Service will have to consider the further processing of the application, including the need for a public inquiry.

In dealing with planning cases I have decided not to get involved in procedural and operational matters, and so have turned down meeting requests where applications are at these stages. However, I have met with members of the Donaghadee Sewerage Action Group to discuss issues relating to the selection process.

In parallel with the planning issues, the Valuation and Lands Agency has been asked to commence initial land acquisition procedures for the site. The cost of the entire scheme has recently been assessed and is now estimated to be £42 million. The Works has been identified as one of seven major wastewater treatment projects that may be suitable for inclusion in a Public Private Partnership (PPP) programme of work. This programme is currently the subject of a detailed appraisal study that will take several months to complete.