HC Deb 20 January 2003 vol 398 c106W
Norman Baker

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (1) what research has been conducted by or for her Department on the effectiveness of RIMNET3; [90229]

(2) what role her Department has in the maintenance and running of RIMNET3; and what changes have taken place and are planned to this system. [90228]

Mr. Meacher

DEFRA is the lead Government Department with responsibility for the co-ordination of the UK response to overseas nuclear accidents. RIMNET3 will replace the existing RIMNET (Radioactive Incident Monitoring Network) system which was developed and put in place in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. DEFRA is responsible for ensuring the operation and maintenance of the RIMNET system but all Government Departments and Agencies with responsibilities to respond to an overseas nuclear accident have access to the system and each is individually responsible for negotiating support and maintenance contracts with the prime support contractor (Siemens).

The RIMNET3 supply, support and maintenance contract was let to Logica plc in 1992 following an international competitive tender exercise. As RIM NET3 is not yet operational, the support and maintenance provisions have not yet been implemented and no research has been undertaken on its effectiveness in use. However, the RIMNET Co-ordinating Committee brings together representatives from the appropriate Government Departments and Agencies and all their requirements have been reflected in the design and development process. RIMNET3 will deliver all the functionality of the existing RIMNET system on more up-to-date technology and using commercially available software. There is a planned "technology refresh" during the 10-year life of RIMNET3 and any required improvements identified through regular testing of the system and through the extensive programme of domestic and international emergency exercises, will be implemented as appropriate.