HC Deb 20 January 2003 vol 398 cc150-3W
Mr. Andrew Turner

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills (1) what his arrangements are for consulting the governors of(a) community schools, (b) foundation schools and (c) voluntary schools on changes to regulations; and if he will make a statement on the circumstances in which such consultations have been undertaken through an intermediary body in the last 12 months; [91242]

(2) what his arrangements are for consulting the trustees of voluntary schools (a) in the trusteeship of dioceses and (b) in other trusteeships on changes to regulations; and if he will make a statement on the circumstances in which such consultations have been undertaken through an intermediary body in the last 12 months. [91243]

Mr. Miliband

The arrangements for consulting the groups in question on changes to regulations are in line with the arrangements that we have for consulting schools more generally in England on proposed changes to regulations.

The Department follows the code of practice which was issued by the Cabinet Office in November 2000. In planning distribution and coverage we take a number of factors into account including (a) the likely impact and burden of bureaucracy on schools in automatically being sent mailings from DfES; (b) the likely time resource that is required at the school end to respond in a full and effective way to consultation documents within the specified time and (c) the type of regulation, or changes to regulations, proposed.

With these factors in mind documents are sent to a randomly selected and representative cross sample of schools within a particular school type category. Simultaneously consultation documents are routinely placed on the DfES public website and recorded in the DfES publication "Spectrum" which allows all types of schools and other bodies to access and view consultation documents as they see fit.

As well as the random cross sample of schools to which consultation documents are sent, a number of organisations and bodies external to schools also receive them. These will generally include intermediaries such as dioceses who are sent paper copies of consultation papers about school matters. The following list shows the consultations of relevance to schools that have taken place in the past 12 months to which, through a variety of means, intermediary bodies will have had access.

Consultation title

  • Consultation on Accessible Schools: Planning to increase access to schools for disabled pupils
  • Revised Guidance on Exclusion from School-Draft for Consultation
  • Quinquennial Review of Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA)
  • Consultation on Raising Standards-Training and Development for Leaders and Managers
  • 14–19: Extending Opportunities, Raising Standards (Adults) National Centre for Excellence in Science Teaching
  • 14–19: Extending Opportunities, Raising Standards (Young People)

Consultation title Consultaion period if less than 12 weeks
Consultation on Accessible Schools: Planning to increase access to schools for disabled pupils 10 weeks
Revised Guidance on Exclusion from School—Draft for Consultation
Quinquennial Review of Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) 6 weeks
Quinquennial Review of Investors in People UK 4 weeks
Consultation on Raising Standards—Training and Development for Leaders and Managers
14–19: Extending Opportunities, Raising Standards (Adults)
National Centre for Excellence in Science Teaching
The Adult Common Basic Data Set
Early Years and Childcare Regulation
14–19: Extending Opportunities, Raising Standards (Young People)
Investors in Children Consultation Paper
Publication of School and College Performance Tables in 2002 Consultation 9 weeks
Proposals to introduce a mandatory requirement for first-time headteachers to hold the National
Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH)
Electronic Communications in Education: an Order under the Electronic Communications Act 2000
STRB report on teacher workload 8 weeks
Performance Pay Progression: Reconsultation on Revised Special Grant Report 4 weeks
Together From The Start—Practical guidance for professionals working with disabled children (birth to 2)
and their families
Developing Early Intervention/Support Services for Deaf Children and their Families
The Department for Education and Skills—Race Equality Scheme
Supporting the cost of home-based child care
Success for All: Reforming Further Education and Training
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Recognition of Professional
Investment to Support the Provision of New Pupil Places in Schools

  • Publication of School and College Performance Tables in2002 Consultation
  • Proposals to introduce a mandatory requirement for first-time headteachers to hold the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH)
  • Electronic Communications in Education: an Order under the Electronic Communications Act 2000
  • STR B report on teacher workload
  • Performance Pay Progression: Reconsultation on Revised Special Grant Report
  • Investment to Support the Provision of New Pupil Places in Schools
  • Consultation on the Constitution of School Governing Bodies
  • Consultation on School Organisation Proposals by the Learning and Skills Council under the Education Act 2002
  • Teachers Pension Scheme: Amendments to the Teachers' Pensions Regulations 1997
  • Extending the National Curriculum for England to Include the Foundation Stage
  • Consultation on Revised School Admissions and Admission Appeals Codes of Practice and Accompanying Regulations
  • Consultation on Acoustic Design of Schools
Mr. Andrew Turner

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills if he will list the consultations undertaken by his Department in the last calendar year, indicating those which did not comply with the good government guidance on consultation. [91245]

Mr. Stephen Twigg

A list of the public consultations undertaken by my Department, which commenced after 1 January 2002 and closed before 31 December 2002 is in the following table. The Department has complied with the Cabinet Office Code of Practice on Written Consultation, in each case applying exemptions where appropriate, especially where for the conduct of efficient business and in the public interest my Department was required to take urgent action. I have indicated where my Department applied an exemption to the 12 week minimum period for a consultation, as specified in criterion 5 of the Code.

Consultation title Consultaion period if less than 12 weeks
Consultation on the Constitution of School Governing Bodies
Consultation on School Organisation Proposals by the Learning and Skills Council under the Education Act 2002
Teachers Pension Scheme: Amendments to the Teachers' Pensions Regulations 1997 9 weeks
Extending the National Curriculum for England to include the foundation stage 7 weeks
Consultation on Revised School Admissions and Admission Appeals Codes of Practice and Accompanying Regulations 3 weeks
Consultation on Acoustic Design of Schools