§ Mrs. Curtis-ThomasTo ask the Deputy Prime Minister how much funding Sefton council has received from the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund; when funds were received; what projects have been funded and by how much; and which organisations are responsible for(a) managing and (b) delivering each project. [89485]
§ Mrs. RocheSefton council has received Neighbourhood Renewal Funding of £2,815,650 (2001–02), £4,223,475 (2002–03), with a further £5,631,300 to be made available during 2003–04.
The projects in the following tables have been funded during the first two financial years. The commissioning process for year three has commenced, with no funding decisions reached as yet, although some initial approvals may be made on 13 January 2003.
2001–02 Project Funding (£) Managed and delivered by Raising Attainment 277,732 Sefton MBC Mentoring and behavioural support 74,993 Sefton MBC Alternative Curriculum 92,497 Sefton MBC Pilot Area Learning Support 82,489 Sefton MBC Crime Reduction 48,260 Merseyside Police Communities against Drugs 50,600 Merseyside Police Multi Agency Refurbishment of Premises 20,000 Merseyside Drugs Council Neighbourhood wardens 244,583 Sefton MBC South Sefton Healthy Neighbourhood Programme 377,744 South Sefton PCT Central Southport Healthy Neighbourhood 36,254 Southport and Formby PCT Healthy Workforce Development 50,000 Sefton MBC Alexandra Mount Parenting Centre 50,000 Sure Start Partnership and Parenting 2000 Demolition of Princess Royal 35,804 Sefton MBC Move On Accommodation 80,000 Sefton MBC Park Lane Regeneration 243,000 Sefton MBC Greencroft Regeneration 301,000 Sefton MBC Feasibility Study for Environmental Improvements 7,315 Sefton MBC Environmental Improvements Fund 182,422 Sefton MBC Environmental Hit Squad 107,847 Sefton MBC Enhancing Citizens Panel in Bootle and Litherland 11,074 Sefton MBC Community Development Initiative 1,707 Sefton MBC Learning, Skills and Knowledge 20,000 Sefton MBC Neighbourhood Renewal Enabling Budget 203,275 Sefton MBC Total 2,598,596 Note:
£217,054 funding carried over to 2002–03
2002–03 Project Funding (£) Managed and delivered by Schools for the community 350,000 Sefton MBC Raising Pupil Attainment 149,509 Sefton MBC Mentoring and Behavioural Support 75,000 Sefton MBC Alternative Curriculum 92,500 Sefton MBC Pilot Area Learning Support 82,500 Sefton MBC Neighbourhood Wardens 100,000 Sefton MBC Alchemy 33,578 Alchemy Crime Reduction 50,553 Merseyside Police Youth Inclusion Programme 35,000 Youth Offending Team Kids off the Streets 243,000 Sefton MBC Communities against Drugs 100,000 Merseyside Police SWACA—Centre of Excellence 50,000 Sefton Women and Childrens Aid South Sefton Healthy Neighbourhoods 361,850 South Sefton PCT Southport Healthy Neighbourhoods 60,000 Southport and Formby PCT Surestart Development Workers 76,374 Surestart Partnership Netherton Feelgood Factory 200,000 Netherton Feelgood May Logan Centre 100,000 May Logan Centre Brighter Living Initiative 50,000 Brighter Living Initiative Play Area Improvements 166,500 Childrens Fund/Sefton MBC Environmental Hit Squad 343,645 Sefton MBC Community Kerbside Recycling 398,598 Sefton MBC/Community Enterprise South Sefton Recycling Centre 50,000 Sefton MBC Community Environmental Manager 33,000 Sefton MBC Move on Accommodation 80,000 Sefton MBC Greencroft Regeneration 300,000 Sefton MBC Park Lane Regeneration 240,000 Sefton MBC Neighbourhood Area Panels 17,000 Sefton MBC Management Information Project 44,000 Sefton MBC Community Development Worker 16,338 Sefton MBC Community Development Worker—North Sefton 30,000 Sefton Council for Voluntary Services Neighbourhood Renewal Action Fund 120,000 Sefton MBC/Sefton Community Foundation I Kiosks 63,000 Sefton MBC Neighbourhood Renewal Facilitation Budget 240,026 Sefton MBC Learning, Skills and Knowledge 36,212 Sefton MBC One Stop Shops 50,000 Sefton MBC Total 4,438,182