HC Deb 13 January 2003 vol 397 cc431-5W
Mr. Gregory Campbell

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how much public funding has been

Payments made (£) Period covered (from) Period covered (to)
Senior counsel representing the, families1
Lord Gifford 383,120 Oct-98 Jun-02
Arthur Harvey 550,377 Jul-98 Jun-02
Michael Lavery 278,754 Nov-00 Jun-02
B.J. MacDonald2 261,187 Sept-98 May-02
P.T. MacDonald3 65,800 Apr-98 Jun-99
Michael Mansfield 296,875 Mar-99 Oct-01
Elish McDermott 105,309 Mar-00 Jun-01
Seamus Treacy4 307,301 Mar-98 Jun-01
Eoin McGonigal 82,446 Oct-00 Jun-02
Senior Counsel representing NICRA
Sir Louis Blom-Cooper 227,879 Dec-00 Jun-02
Junior counsel representing the families
John Coyle 213,931 Sept-99 May-01
Fiona Doherty 142,763 Oct-00 Sept-01
Ciaran Harvey 222,904 Dec-00 June-02
Richard Harvey 216,172 Oct-00 Dec-01
Brian Kennedy 406,939 Jul-99 Jun-02
Philip Magee5 83,175 June-98 Sept-00
Kieran Mallon BL 408,606 Mar-99 May-02
Brian McCartney 423,749 Oct-98 Apr-02
Karen Quinlivian BL 135,150 Mar-99 May-02
Patricia Smyth 286,386 Oct-98 Feb-02
Michael Topolski6 139,940 Nov-00 Jun-01
Mary McHugh 32,803 Feb-02 Apr-02
Junior counsel representing NICRA
Paddy O'Hanlon 101,106 Nov-00 Jan-01
Solicitors representing the families7
Barr & Co. 264,405 Feb-99 Jun-02
Brendan Kearney & Co. 606,069 Jul-99 Jun-02
Desmond Doherty & Co.8 659,249 Nov-98 Sept-02
MacDermott & McGurk 648,351 Nov-98 Sept-02
Madden & Finucane 5,173,370 Jan-98 Jul-02
McCann & McCann 294,521 Oct-98 Sept-02
McCartney & Casey 652,499 Nov-98 Sept-02
Solicitors representing NICRA
Francis Keenan 208,739 May-00 Jun-01
1 In addition the following senior counsel have represented/are representing some of the families but have yet to submit fee claims: Kevin Finnegan, Declan Morgan and Reg Weir.
2 Left the case (as a junior) in September 2000 and rejoined the case (as a senior) in July 2001.
3 Left the case June 1999.
4 Having started as a junior in March 1998, became a senior counsel in September 2000.
5 Left the case in September 2000.
6 Left the case in June 2001.
7 Includes payments made in respect of witness statement-taking work.
8 Figure does not include fees for June 2002.

provided up to November to the legal representatives of the families appearing at the Saville Inquiry, broken down by each solicitor or barrister or firm of solicitors involved. [87299]

Mr. Browne

The payments made to the legal representatives appearing at the Bloody Sunday Inquiry on behalf of the families or the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) are set out in the following table. The figures include VAT, where that is paid, and in most cases, expenses as well as fees. The figures represent the position as at 30 November 2002. The Judicial Reviews on Barristers' and Solicitors' fees currently under consideration could affect the level of payments already made in respect of the period of work covered.

  1. School Salaries 95 words
  2. c433W
  3. Social Housing 144 words
  4. c433W
  5. Springvale Campus Project 143 words
  6. cc433-4W
  7. Vocational Training 278 words
  8. c434W
  9. Water Charges 122 words
  10. c435W
  11. Wet Weather Payments 116 words
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