HC Deb 09 January 2003 vol 397 c328W
Mr. Paul Burstow

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how many delayed hospital discharges there were associated with(a) delays in housing adaptations, (b) assessment for re-housing needs, and (c) other services provided by local authority housing departments in each year since 1997; [85707]

(2) if he will place in the Library a copy of the quarter 2 2002–03 emergency readmission and delayed discharge figures for over 75s, broken down by (a) region and (b) trust. [86870]

Jacqui Smith

Information from quarter 2 of 2002–03 on the numbers and percentage of delayed discharges and emergency readmissions for over 75s, at primary care trust level, has been placed in the Library. No further breakdown of this data is collected centrally.

We have recently announced the introduction of the access and systems capacity grant, which is a special grant to local councils to expand community based social care services and reduce hospital discharge. This is the first specific departmental investment in home improvement agencies and will contribute to reductions in delayed discharges by prompt supply of housing repairs and adaptations.