HC Deb 06 January 2003 vol 397 c12W
Diana Organ

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what the total cost was to the Department of the introduction of the new logo. [87306]

Alun Michael

The cost of designing the new Defra logo was £24,000. The logo is only one element of the total corporate identity, and further costs have been incurred in introducing it across the Department.

To date, these costs including the above amount total £137,510. This includes costs for project scoping, stimulus material, research, brand architecture, specifications, legal checks and briefing material which are necessary in developing and introducing a fresh identity to a large, new Government Department. On-going costs will be minimised by a phased implementation, only replacing any branded communication material when it runs out.

The re-branding exercise is necessary to establish a new identity, which will assist in explaining the role and purpose of the new Department among staff, stakeholders, other partners and the public.

Further implementation costs will be incurred in due course as guidelines are developed and used by external suppliers, other organisations and staff. The new guidelines will show how the new identity should be applied to all communication items such as letterheads, the website, publications and reports etc.

The findings of extensive research with staff, stakeholders and the public has helped Defra develop a better understanding of what our customers expect from us. This will enable us to streamline our communications and improve clarity. The final design proved popular with all groups. It will play a key role in building the new Department. As a symbol it is modern, professional and forward looking and provides a pivotal point for helping us to build a new customer focus internally.