HL Deb 28 February 2003 vol 645 cc73-4WA
Lord Tebbit

asked Her Majesty's Government:

In what manner they ensure fair distribution of pro formas for responses to the sounding exercise on the level of interest in each region in holding a referendum about establishing an elected regional assembly. [HL1692]

The Minister of State, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (Lord Rooker)

The soundings exercise document, with attached pro forma, was sent to every MP and MEP in the English regions outside London on 2 December. It was also sent to the regional branches of key stakeholder organisations such as the TUC, the CBI, the Institute of Directors, the Chambers of Commerce and the Local Government Association, as well as the National Council for Voluntary Organisations, for distribution to its members. In addition, a copy was sent to every principal local authority in those regions, and the voluntary regional chambers. A covering letter made it clear that the "information you provide [in response the soundings exercise] will be strengthened if it is clear that you have consulted widely", and we are aware that pro formas have been cascaded down to parish and town council level and beyond.

A press release was issued to alert the public to the soundings exercise, which gave details of how to obtain the pro forma—it is freely available both on the Internet and by written, emailed, faxed or telephone request from the Government's distribution centre.

A list of all organisations in England contacted about this soundings exercise have been placed in the Library of the House.