HL Deb 27 February 2003 vol 645 cc53-4WA
Lord Burlison

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When they will publish the revised airports consultation documents. [HL1879]

Lord Macdonald of Tradeston

Last summer the Government published a set of seven consultation papers on the future development of air transport in the United Kingdom.

On 26 November the High Court upheld a challenge against the exclusion of options for additional runways at Gatwick Airport. On 28 November the Secretary of State for Transport told the House in another place (Official Report, cols. 474–87) that he would not appeal against the judgment, because an appeal would result in an extensive period of uncertainty for people up and down the country. The Government therefore announced that they were keeping open the consultation, which had been due to end on 30 November, and that they would publish a further consultation paper including runway options at Gatwick.

We are today publishing the further consultation material. We have decided that it would be easier for consultees to publish it in the form of second editions of the full south-east consultation paper, the summary south-east paper and the questionnaires for both the south-east and other areas of the UK. Consultees can easily see the text added as a result of including the Gatwick options.

The new documents include the original consultation material on options at Heathrow, Stansted, Luton and other south-east airports, and the option for a new airport at Cliffe. In addition, in accordance with the High Court decision, the papers now include options for additional runways at Gatwick.

As for options on the other south-east airports published last July, the papers now set out for Gatwick all the options which were appraised in detail in the later stages of the South East and East of England Regional Air Services (SERAS) study. Accordingly, there are two options for a single new runway at Gatwick and one option for two new runways there. The papers also set out alternative assumptions on the timing of these Gatwick options.

The consultation, for all parts of the UK, will now close on 30 June. We will consider carefully all responses received by that date, including proposals for options other than those which have been included in the Government's consultation documents. This is an opportunity for anyone to express their views on all the options in the consultation, as well as to put forward any reasonable alternatives.

Copies of all the new documents are available in the Printed Paper Office and in the Library. Officials are writing to everyone on the original consultation list, and to all those who have responded to the consultations so far, to alert them to the new documents and to the 30 June deadline, and explaining that people who have already submitted responses can choose either to let their response stand, or to add to, or amend, or withdraw their response in the light of the new material.