HC Deb 26 February 2003 vol 400 cc570-1W
Simon Hughes

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what proportion of(a) men and (b) women serving community sentences in the last two years breached the terms of their sentence. [93303]

Hilary Benn

The information requested for England and Wales for the years 2000 and 2001 is contained in the table.

Data for 2002 is not yet available.

Offenders whose breaches1 of original community sentence or order were proved to the satisfaction of the court by type of sentence or order breached and the proportion breaching original orders—England and Wales
Numbers and percentages
2000 2001
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Number of offenders sentenced
Community rehabilitation order2 44,271 12,188 56,459 46,295 12,022 58,497
Supervision order 9,711 1,845 11,556 9,330 1,753 11,083
Community punishment order2 44,517 5,466 49,983 44,052 5,712 49,764
Attendance centre order 6,459 582 7,041 5,364 460 5,824
Community punishment and rehabilitation order2 17,300 1,941 19,241 13,199 1,463 14,662
Curfew order 2,325 272 2,597 3,467 396 3,863
Reparation order 3,382 602 3,984 6,746 1,229 7,975
Action plan order 3,678 678 4,356 7,229 1,421 8,650
Drug treatment and testing order 270 51 321 3,566 663 4,229
Total community sentences 131,913 23,625 155,538 139,878 25,119 164,997
Offenders breaching orders as a percentage of offenders sentenced3
Community rehabilitation order2 24 23 23 23 23 23
Supervision order 7 7 7 10 9 10
Community punishment order2 36 26 35 33 24 32
Attendance centre order 18 20 19 15 20 15
Community punishment and rehabilitation order2 36 31 35 41 37 41
Curfew order 22 28 23 23 26 24
Reparation order 4 4 4 4 4 4
Action plan order 4 4 4 4 4 4
Drug treatment and testing order 4 4 4 4 4 4
Total community sentences 28 23 27 28 23 27
1 Breaches cover the commission of further offences or the breaking of other conditions laid down in the orders. Examples of such "other conditions" include, among other things: Requirements as to residence; to participate in or refrain from specified activities; attendance at probation centre; to undergo treatment for medical condition or drug/alcohol dependency.
2 New names for these community sentences came into force in April 2001. Community rehabilitation order was previously probation order, community punishment order was previously community service order and community punishment and rehabilitation order was previously combination order.
3 An approximation to the breach rate because offenders breaching in one year may have been given the sentence or order in an earlier year. The average of the number of sentences for the year indicated and in the previous year has been used as the denominator to provide a better estimate. 4 not available. (These orders have not been available for a sufficient length of time for a breach rate to be calculated. Such orders have also been excluded from the breach rate for 'Total Community Sentences').