HL Deb 25 February 2003 vol 645 cc20-2WA
Lord Layard

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What progress has been made on implementing the recommendations contained in the Government's report on the historic environment: A Force for Our Future. [HL1819]

The Minister of State, Department for Culture, Media and Sport (Baroness Blackstone)

Since August 2002 the following has been achieved:


English Heritage completed its programme of establishing a historic environment forum in each of the regions.


HM Treasury confirmed that the listed places of worship grant scheme would continue until the review of the European Union VAT regime had been completed.

The Government formally acceded to the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property.


English Heritage launched the first State of the Historic Environment Report, which set out a framework for establishing indicators to measure the contribution the historic environment makes to the economy, education and communities.

I announced a review of current heritage protection legislation. This will also cover the ecclesiastical exemption and consider a range of options for enhancing sites and monuments records.

The Historic House Association (HHA) and the Black Environment Network (BEN) announced a joint scheme to identify new audiences for the historic environment by encouraging ethnic communities to become more involved with nearby historic attractions. Local community leaders will be invited to work with selected properties to extend involvement and enjoyment of these attractions within ethnic communities. Five pilot projects will be in place by spring 2003. They will be closely monitored and evaluated with a view to extending the programme in 2004.


The Dealing in Cultural Objects (Offences) Bill was introduced into Parliament. The Bill will make it a criminal offence to trade in illegally removed cultural goods.

The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Bill was introduced into Parliament. It will take forward a number of commitments from the planning statement Sustainable Communities: Delivering through planning.

Heritage Link was officially launched. It will be cofunded by English Heritage and the National Trust. Priority areas for action in 2003 are the needs and potential of the voluntary sector; funding; inclusion; and land-use planning.

National Archaeology Days 2002, organised by the Council for British Archaeology, achieved a 5 per cent increase in participating venues to 62 and a 66 per cent increase in estimated visitors to 90,000.


The National Trust launched Untold Story, a pilot project involving National Trust properties in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It will involve people in exploring and interpreting the significance of local properties through the medium of the performing arts.

The National Trust began work with creative partnerships in Cornwall to develop a number of projects involving artists, poets and writers working with local schoolchildren to develop ideas and activities inspired by National Trust properties in Cornwall.


Reponsibility for underwater archaeology will be transferred to English Heritage shortly.

Management plans are now in place for all but five of the world heritage sites in England. Management plans for the Tower of London and the city of Bath are scheduled for completion by February and October 2003 respectively. Work on the plans for Blenheim Palace and Westminster Palace and Abbey is ongoing, while work on Durham Cathedral and castle will begin shortly.