HC Deb 24 February 2003 vol 400 cc318-9W
Mr. Yeo

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list consultations his Department has conducted since 1997; and when each consultation(a) opened and (b) closed. [97423]

Hilary Benn

The Home Department holds central records on issued consultations from 1997 for the Home Office, its non-departmental public bodies and agencies. Current consultation papers can be found on the website on http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/consultations/consult_papers.htm. Archived consultation papers can be found on http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/atoz/consuarchive.htm Determining all the details requested in the question for the archived records would require access to records at a disproportionate cost. However, the online archive does contain details of the consultation period for most of the consultation documents listed.

In order to give the fullest reply I have listed the details available for 2001/2002 Home Office consultation exercises.

Title of consultation Start date of consultation period End date of consultation period
Animal (Scientific Procedures Act 1986) Review of the Ethical Review Process 11/01/2001 23/03/2001
Animal Rights Extremism: Government strategy 28/03/2001 27/04/2001
Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 New laws for a successful multi racial Britain 22/02/2001 15/05/2001
Proceeds of crime—consultation on draft legislation 05/03/2001 29/05/2001
The Law on Extradition—a review 12/03/2001 08/06/2001
Review of the Victim's Charter 27/02/2001 1 5/06/2001
Guidance on the use of an Intermediary under Section 29 Of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 08/05/2001 29/06/2001
Funding Community Groups 03/05/2001 23/07/2001
Review of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 01/05/2001 31/07/2001
Justification for the use of X/Gamma radiation scanners by the Immigration Service for detecting 17/07/2001 27/08/2001
people seeking to enter the UK illegally in vehicles and/or freight, by clandestine means Extension of the Civil Penalty to rail freight shuttle wagons 18/07/2001 29/08/2001
Review of Part 1 of the Sex Offenders Act 1997 30/07/2001 19/10/2001
Making Punishment Work: Review of the Sentencing Framework for England and Wales 05/07/2001 31/10/2001
Assessing Communications Data Draft Code of Practice 13/08/2001 02/11/2001
Immigration and Nationality Directorate Review of Family Visitor Appeals 29/10/2001 14/12/2001
Ratification of the EU Driving Disqualification Convention 25/09/2001 18/12/2001
Fees for the removal and storage of vehicles, Under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 16/11/01 28/12/01
Improving the planning of young people substance misuse services 01/11/01 31/12/01
Policing a New Century: a Blueprint for reform White Paper Consultation 05/12/01 21/01/02
Revising the definition of categories of deaths of members of the public during or following police contact 14/12/2001 31/01/2002
Police and Criminal Evidence Act—(PACE Code A) 11/03/2002 19/02/2002
The Motor Salvage Operators Regulations 2002. (Vehicles (Crime) Act 2001) 04/01/2002 01/03/2002
Secure Borders, Safe Haven White Paper Consultation 07/02/2002 21/03/2002
Extension of controlled drugs licensing 11/02/2002 01/05/2002
Proposed changes to the Misuse of Drugs legislation 04/03/2002 1 7/05/2002
Review of Crime Reduction Training 04/03/2002 27/05/2002
Review on Work Permit Policy on Recruitment and Employment Agencies and Contractors 18/03/2002 14/06/2002
Charging for the consideration of Work Permit applications in Great Britain 15/04/2002 05/07/2002
Merger of CDRPs and DATs 03/05/02 26/07/02
Police and Criminal Evidence Act Consultation on Code of Practice (Code B-E) 12/06/02 16/08/02
Working Holidaymaker Scheme 29/05/02 23/08/02
Review of Seasonal Agricultural Workers' Scheme 03/06/02 23/08/02
Breaking the Circle: a report of the review of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 17/07/02 1 3/09/02
Criminal Justice System White Paper: Justice for All (Joint exercise with other Departments) 1 7/07/02 09/10/02
Criminal Justice White Paper Proposals on jury exemptions and excusals (Partial) Regulatory Impact Assessment 25/09/02 24/10/02
Connecting Communities Race Equality Grant programme future funding 31/07/02 25/10/02
Protocol to the Convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters between member states of the EU 09/08/02 01/11/02
Proceeds of Crime Act Section 292 -Code of practice for search powers regarding recovery of criminal proceeds 23/08/02 15/11/02
Proceeds of Crime Act—Part 7 Section 339 Money Laundering 23/08/02 15/11/02
Fundamental review of death certification and the Coroner services in England Wales and Northern Ireland 09/08/02 22/11/02
Code of Practice issued under Section 377 of the Proceeds of Crime Bill 14/10/02 03/01/03
Entitlement Cards and Identity Fraud 03/07/02 31/01/03
Implementation of juxtaposed controls at Calais 20/11/02 07/02/03
Supply of specific items of drugs paraphernalia to drug users 18/11/02 14/02/03