HC Deb 14 February 2003 vol 400 c79W
Ms Walley

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs if she will require Departments to produce(a) their own sustainable development strategies within a year and (b) annual reports showing what progress has been made in meeting sustainable development targets. [97270]

Mr. Meacher

Of the central Government Departments that report via the Sustainable Development in Government Initiative, three have formal sustainable strategies (Defra, DTI, DWP) 11 have policy statements or other arrangements to manage their sustainable development impacts (C&E, CO, CPS, DFID, DH, FCO, HMT, IR, LCD, MOD, ONS) four have strategies under development (DCMS, DFES, ECGD, HO). DfT and ODPM are considering their approaches in light of the Machinery of Government changes in May 2002. Where they are not doing so, we are encouraging them all to produce their own sustainable development strategies.

Progress by all Departments against cross-Government sustainable development targets is reported via the sustainable development in Government annual report. The first report was published in November 2002. Part A of the Framework for Sustainable Development on the Government Estate requires all Departments to identify their significant sustainable development impacts and review their public reporting arrangements. Departments are due to publish their revised reporting arrangements by April 2003.