HL Deb 13 February 2003 vol 644 c142WA
Baroness Cumberlege

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When their conclusions concerning the review of specialised services commissioning by primary care trusts will be published; and [HL1475]

What steps are being taken to ensure continuity of specialised services commissioning by primary care trusts from April 2003; and [HL1476]

About the preparedness of primary care trusts to assume responsibility for commissioning specialized services from April 2003. [HL1477]

Lord Hunt of Kings Heath

Since April 2002 primary care trusts have been responsible for securing specialised health services for their local populations and, in consequence, the membership of regional specialised commissioning groups (RSCGs) is now based on PCTs rather than on health authorities.

To maintain continuity during 2002–03, PCTs are expected to honour existing consortia arrangements and previously agreed financial commitments and work programmes. RSCGs have been supporting the development of collaborative behaviour and PCTs are working together to agree their specialised services commissioning plans for 2003–04.

We will publish the results of the consultation on commissioning arrangements for specialised services shortly.

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