HC Deb 19 December 2003 vol 416 cc180-2W
Mr. Burstow

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many dental practices in(a) England and (b) each strategic health authority there were in each of the last six years; and how many (i) registered adults exempt from charges and (ii) registered children from nought to 18 years there were in each of the last six years. [144320]

Ms Rosie Winterton

Table 1 shows the available information for the number of general dental service (GDS) practices in England and each strategic health authority in each of the last six years.

Adult patient registrations are not available separately for patients exempt from charges because no charge is made for patients" registrations. The number of registered children at 30 September in each of the last six years is shown in Table 2.

Table 1. General Dental Service—Number of GDS dental practice by strategic health authority at 31 August each year
Number of dental practices
Strategic Health Authority 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland SHA 233 240 242 234 234 237
Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire SHA 338 342 346 346 346 343
North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire SHA 264 266 265 256 255 251
North Central London SHA 280 283 285 283 285 287
North East London SHA 242 243 243 235 236 239
North West London SHA 440 440 444 431 420 421
Northumberland, Tyne and Wear SHA 237 240 242 238 234 228
Shropshire and Staffordshire SHA 233 235 237 232 233 238
South East London SHA 273 248 253 251 246 248
South West London SHA 275 282 281 276 279 274
South West Peninsula SHA 293 294 304 292 285 289
South Yorkshire SHA 219 219 218 214 209 213
Surrey and Sussex SHA 518 523 536 544 553 559
Thames Valley SHA 354 368 375 371 376 381
Trent SHA 359 364 369 360 368 361
West Yorkshire SHA 368 366 370 363 361 356

Table 2: General Dental Service—England Registration of children aged under 18
September each year Number
1998 6.78
1999 6.82
2000 6.85
2001 6.78
2002 6.73
2003 6.64


Dental Practice Board

Bob Spink

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what proportion of Castle Point residents were registered with an NHS dentist in each of the last five years. [145161]

Dr. Ladyman

Registration rates are shown in the table for the health administration areas, South Essex Health Authority area for September in the years 1999 to 2001, Castle Point and Rochford Primary Care Trust (PCT) area for September in the years 2002 and 2003.

General Dental Service: Proportion of the population registered with a dentist 1999 to 2003 in health areas containing Castle Point
At 30 September Percentage of population registered with a GDS dentist
South Essex HA area
19991 44.6
20001 46.3
20012 45.5
Castle Point and Rochford PCT area
20022 45.5
20032 40.6
1 1998–2000 ONS mid year population estimates based on the 1991 census.
2 2001 ONS mid year population estimates based on the 2001 census

The registration rates are calculated by dividing the number of patients registered with a dentist who is located in the area by the estimate of the total population for that area. Some patients attend a dentist in a different area from the one in which they live and so the registration and population numbers do not cover the same people.

Registrations lapse if patients do not return to their dentist within 15 months and so the registration figures exclude patients who have not been to their general dental service dentist within the past 15 months. Also excluded from the figures are patients who receive dental treatment from other national health service dental services including dental access centres.