§ Mr. Stephen O'BrienTo ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (1) what percentage of GDP was comprised of net(a) private and (b) public investment in each of the last six years; [143429]
929Wwhat percentage of GDP was comprised of (a) manufacturing sector and (b) service sector net investment in each of the last six years; [143431]
what percentage of GDP was comprised of net investment in each of the last six years. [143432]
§ Ruth Kelly[holding answer 11 December 2003]: I have been asked to reply.
The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician, who has been asked to reply.
Letter from Colin Mowl to Mr. Stephen O'Brien, dated 15 December 2003:
The National Statistician has been asked to reply to your recent Parliamentary Questions about economic statistics. I am replying in his absence. (143429,143431,143432,143434,143435,143436)The information to derive the estimates that you have requested for the six years 1997 to 2002 is available from published sources accessed by the House of Commons Library. I have assumed that as the first three questions relate to net investment that the following three questions are concerned with gross fixed capital formation, excluding changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables. This is consistent with the definition of investment used for the ONS Business Investment publication.GDP estimates are available in table 1.1 (both current prices and chained volume measures) of the ONS publication "Blue Book 2003". Estimates for capital consumption are also available for the whole economy in table 1.1, with information on gross fixed capital formation in table 1.2 (at current prices) and 1.3 (at chained volume measures).Estimates for gross fixed capital formation by sector are available in table 9.2 (at current prices) and 9.4 (at chained volume measures). Estimates for capital consumption by sector and industry, at current prices and at chained volume measures, are available in tables 3.1.1 to 3.2.2 of the ONS publication "Capital Stocks, Capital Consumption and Non-Financial Balance Sheets", available on the National Statistics website.Estimates for gross fixed capital formation for the manufacturing and service sectors are available for the period 1999 to 2002 in tables 1.11 (at chained volume measures) and 1.12 (at current prices) of the most recent ONS publication "Monthly Digest of Statistics". Earlier data for these series can be accessed using the 4 letter identifier (CDID) on PUBL, the ONS published electronic series also accessed by the House of Commons Library. The relevant CDID for each series is shown in the Monthly Digest publication.