HC Deb 15 December 2003 vol 415 c693W
Lynne Jones:

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what the average cost was in 2002–03 of housing benefit payments made to (a) council tenants, (b) tenants of registered social landlords and (c)private tenants. [142605]

Mr. Pond:

The information is in the table.

Average weekly HB by tenure in Great Britain 2002—03
Tenure Average weekly housing benefit (£)
Local authority 47.00
Registered social landlord 63.90
Private (excluding registered social landlord) 71.40


1.The data refers to benefit households claiming housing benefit, which may be a single person or a couple or a family. More than one benefit household can live in one property, for example two or more adults in a flat or house share arrangement.

2.The average amounts have been rounded to the nearest 10 pence.

3.Figures for any non-responding authorities have been estimated.

4.Figures exclude any Extended Payment cases.

5.The figures are averages taken from the four quarters May, August, November 2002 and February 2003.


Housing benefit and council tax benefit Management Information

System Quarterly 100 per cent. caseload stock-count taken in May, August, November 2002 and February 2003.