HL Deb 03 April 2003 vol 646 cc142-3WA
Lord Laird

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether it is their policy to discourage smoking among Northern Ireland civil servants; how many special smoking chambers there are in their premises in the Province; and whether they have plans to reduce that number. [HL2138]

Lord Williams of Mostyn

Smoking is not permitted in any premises occupied by Northern Ireland Office or Northern Ireland Administration staff, except in designated smoking rooms. This ban includes public offices, workshops and depots and extends to all areas including single occupancy rooms, training and conference rooms, corridors, toilets, canteens, reception areas and vehicles. There are some 144 smoking rooms currently in operation. The smoking policy is currently being reviewed and it is anticipated that this will significantly impact on the current provision of smoking rooms.

Both the Northern Ireland Office and the Northern Ireland Administration seek to discourage staff from smoking, through the workplace health improvement programme. This programme is designed to raise awareness of health issues (including smoking) and offers practical advice to encourage staff to adopt/maintain a healthy lifestyle.