HL Deb 24 September 2002 vol 638 c193WA
Lord Morris of Manchester

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether, if antidotes to anthrax, plague and other life-threatening diseases are required by members of the Armed Forces on active service, all the vaccines likely to be used will have been fully tested and approved. [HL5677]

Lord Bach

It is not our policy to use unlicensed vaccines for Armed Forces personnel, except in emergencies where no other treatment is available, and on the basis of expert medical advice.

In certain circumstances the Ministry of Defence may consider offering unlicensed vaccines to specialist individuals who risk contact with rare and dangerous diseases by virtue of their specialisation, for example laboratory workers. This would be done only where we have full confidence in the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, where no licensed vaccine or other treatment is available, and on the basis of expert medical advice.