§ John AustinTo ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what action he will take following the statement of Mr. Justice Collins at the Special Immigration Appeals Commission regarding the condition of Mahmoud Abu Rideh and if he will make a statement. [65252]
§ Beverley HughesFurther psychiatric assessments of Mr. Abu Rideh have been carried out and a warrant authorising his transfer to Broadmoor was signed on 19 July, after approval of the Home Secretary. Mr. Abu Rideh is now in Broadmoor and is receiving treatment.
Table 1: 1998–2000 Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) Targets and their Amendments 1998 CSR PSA * Target Amended SR2000* Target (See also Table 2) 1. To reduce vehicle crime from its current level by 30 per cent. within 5 years. Rolled forward. Reduce the key recorded crime categories of: —Vehicle crime by 30 per cent. by 2004 —Domestic burglary by 25 per cent. with no local Authority area having a rate more than three times the national average, by 2005; and —Robbery in our principal cities by 14 per cent. by 2005. 2. An improvement in police efficiency of 2 per cent. a year. 17. Ensure annual efficiency gains by police forces are worth in total at least two per cent. of overall police spending in that year. 3. Launch the new evidence based crime reduction programme. Achieved. 4. Tackle domestic violence through a range of practical measures including increasing public awareness, improving agencies' response and developing an information base. Achieved—target contributing to new PSA. See PSA target 1 in Table 2. 5. Agree an annual target, with the United Kingdom (UK) Anti Drugs Co-ordinator, for the police to ensure efficient and effective action against drug suppliers Achieved. (Now incorporated as SDA in PSA 4) 6. Publish survey results on levels of fear of crime and set targets for improvement in specific areas Achieved—target rolled forward into new PSA. See target 2 in Table 2. 7. Reduce the time taken from arrest to sentence or other disposal. Specific targets set. 8. Reduce by 2004, the time from arrest to sentence or other outcome by: —Reducing the time from charge to disposal for all defendants, with a target to be specified by 31 March 2001; —Dealing with 80 per cent. of youth court cases within their time targets; and —Halving from 142 to 71 days by 2002 the time taken from arrest to sentence for persistent young offenders and maintaining that level thereafter. 8. Reduce the time taken from arrest to sentence for persistent young offenders from 142 days to 71 days Achieved. See target 8 in Table 2 below. 9. Improve the satisfaction levels of victims and witnesses with their treatment in the CJS. 7. Improve by five percentage points the satisfaction of victims and witnesses with their treatment by the CJS by 2002 and thereafter at least maintain that level of performance. 10. Reduce the number of terrorist incidents securing effective well-co-ordinated and proportionate anti-terrorist policies Achieved 11. Prepare new UK-wide anti-terrorism legislation Achieved 12. Develop closer and more effective international co-operation to counter terrorism Achieved. This has become a Service Delivery Agreement and is ongoing. 13. Increase the percentage of identified crime groups: under investigation; in respect of which arrest have been made; in respect of which prosecutions have been brought; and which have been dismantled. Achieved—target rolled forward into new PSA. 4. Disrupt 10 per cent. more organised criminal enterprises by 2004.