HC Deb 19 September 2002 vol 390 cc125-6W
Paul Holmes

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills if she will list in respect of each programme transferred to the Learning and Skills Council(a) the agency, or agencies, previously responsible, (b) the total resources allocated in 2000-01, (c) the total

a) Agency responsible for the delivery of the programme in 2000–2001 b) Total resources expended in 2000–2001 £ c) Total resources allocated for 2001–2002 £
Administration FEFC/TECs 275,000,000 188,000,000
Capital FEFC 54,842,800 140,000,000
Participation FEFC 3,311,043,000 3,609,489,000
Summer Schools FEFC 2,000,000
FE and 16–18 Sector Rationalisation
Recurrent Funding FEFC 8,946,886 7,737,000
Standards Fund FEFC 70,000,000 186,000,000
Pastoral Support New in 2001–02 3,000,000
Student Support FEFC 93,490,186 103,796,000
Ethnic Minority Student Achievement Grant FEFC 2,000,000 2,000,000
Skill and View DIES 92,000 97,000
Dance and Drama DIES 5,740,175 8,450,000
Teacher's Pay Initiative New in 2001–02 65,000,000
Health and Safety Booklets DIES 76,171 87,000
Work Based Training for Young People TECs 809,540,623 748,650,000
Gateway Programme DIES 1,067,994 250,000
Youth Policy Development DIES 2,212,482 1,400,000
Life Skills TECs 949,900 61,000,000
Other Work Based Learning Programmes DIES 8,528 1,469,000
Adult Information Advice and Guidance DIES 18,795,475 23,000.000
National Marketing and Promotion DIES 302,403 7,300,000
NVQ Marketing and Promotion New in 2001–02 350,000
Local Initiatives TECs 16,301,595 95,300,000
Excellence Challenge New in 2001–02 3,900,000
Adult and Community Learning DETR 145,000,000 153,000,000
Workforce Development DIES 62,467,477 48,241,000
Education Business Links DIES 13,007,043 29,000,000
New Entrepreneur Scholarships New in 2001–02 2,000,000
Bite Size New in 2001–02 2,000,000
Total 4,882,827,512 5,492,516,000
SUMMARY 2000–2001
FEFC 3,545,427,525
TECs 826,792,118
DIES 235,607,869
Administration 275,000,000
Summary Total 4,882,827,512

initiative for which her Department is responsible the amount originally budgeted for in (a) 2000-01 and (b) 2001-02, stating in each year what funds budgeted for were not spent and if they were carried forward. [71457]

Estelle Morris

The table below sets out the original budgets for area based initiatives and shows the carry forward amounts for each initiative.

resources allocated for 2001–02 and (d) the estimated costs of administering the programme in 2000–01. [71175]

Margaret Hodge

The information requested at (a),(b) and (c) is shown in the following table. The best estimate of the cost of administering the programme in 2000–01 is between £270 million and £280 million.

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