HC Deb 19 September 2002 vol 390 cc379-81W
Mr. Wiggin

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many dentists(a) left the NHS and (b) joined the NHS in each of the last five years; what percentage of the total number of dentists (i) left and (ii) joined the NHS in 2002; and if he will make a statement. [72460]

Mr. Lammy

The available information is for the number and percentage of dentists leaving and joining the general dental service (GDS) in England and is shown in the table for the years 1997–98 to 2001–02. Later data is not yet available.

The GDC register information is not available by region.

Some of the dentists on the GDC register may not be currently practising in the UK. This includes retired dentists, dentists taking career breaks and dentists currently working overseas.

The total number of dentists working in the NHS includes dentists working in the General Dental Service, Personal Dental Service, Community and Hospital Dental Services and salaried dentists.

taking career breaks and doctors currently working overseas. The GMC Register is not compiled on a regional basis.

The total number of registered general practitioners working for the NHS in England for each of the last five years for which figures are available, by NHS region, is as follows:

About 90 per cent. of National Health Service dental services are provided by the GDS. Information on dentists leaving and joining other dental services, including the personal dental service (PDS), community and hospital dental services is not collected centrally.

The number of leavers covers all reasons for leaving the GDS including final retirement from dental work and dentists taking career breaks as well as those who left to practice solely privately. Figures from 1998–99 onwards are inflated by the transfer of some dentists from the GDS to some PDS pilots. The total number of dentists includes principals on a health authority list, assistants and vocational dental practitioners.

Since 1997–98 more dentists have joined than left. The number of GDS dentists has increased from 16,387 at March 1997 to 18,254 in March 2002, an increase of 1,867. Dentists are able to vary the amount of work they do in the GDS.

General Dental Service (GDS): Number and percentage2 of dentists who left and joined the GDS from 1997–98 to 2001–02
Dentists who left the GDS Dentists who joined the GDS
England Year Number Percentage Number Percentage
1997–98 900 5 1,341 8
1998–991 972 6 1,462 9
1999–20001 1,032 6 1,517 9
2000–011 1,192 7 1,459 8
2001–021 1,216 7 1,366 8


1. Figures affected by the transfer of some dentists from the GDS to the PDS.

2. Percentages of dentists leaving and joining are based on the number of dentists working at the start of the year.