HC Deb 30 October 2002 vol 391 cc860-1W
Mr. Gordon Marsden

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what assessment his Department has made of the(a) condition of and (b) need for infrastructure schemes on the West Coast Main Line north of Preston. [77609]

Mr. Jamieson

The SRA's West Coast Strategy document describes, principally in Appendix A, the main infrastructure measures which are expected to be involved, both for the route as a whole and for specific sections.

Mr. Gordon Marsden

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) what assessment his Department has made of the feasibility of asking train and freight operating companies to purchase cheaper rolling stock than that envisaged in the Strategic Rail Authority's consultation document West Coast Strategy; [77612]

(2) what estimate his Department has made of the additional costs that train and freight operating companies will need to bear to meet rolling stock requirements envisaged in the Strategic Rail Authority's consultation document on the West Coast Strategy; and from what sources these costs would be met; [77608]

(3) what estimate his Department has made of the likely final level of compensation that will be paid to (a) each passenger train operating company, (b) each freight train operating company and (c) the Royal Mail as a result of (i) the proposed decision to establish a fast line speed maximum of 125 miles per hour rather than 140 miles per hour and (ii) the proposed rolling stock requirements outlined in the Strategic Rail Authority's consultation document West Coast Strategy; and from what sources such compensation would be paid. [77611]

Mr. Jamieson

The SRA's West Coast Strategy sets out a package of proposed measures, including infrastructure works and rolling stock changes, which together would deliver the benefits from the upgrade and provide good value for money. The detailed specifications for replacement rolling stock have yet to be fully worked up. The SRA are continuing to discuss these issues with the passenger and freight operating companies and with Network Rail. The cost implications will depend on the final service specification which is agreed, and the terms of the new or revised access agreements which will need to be entered into between the SRA and the train operators. These agreements will also be subject to the Rail Regulator's approval.

Mr. Gordon Marsden

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what assessment his Department has made of the cost of concentrating possessions in periods close to public holidays outlined in the Strategic Rail Authority's consultation document on the West Coast Strategy to the tourist industry in(a) the North West and (b) Blackpool. [77613]

Mr. Jamieson

The proposed engineering programme set out in the SRA's West Coast Strategy has been designed to minimise the impact on all passengers and in particular to reduce the need for weekend and Bank Holiday possessions. For much of the time that works are taking place, trains will continue to operate between London and the north west without interruption. The alternative to total closure of certain sections of the route for limited periods would be considerably more weekend possessions, with an adverse effect on the leisure and tourist industry. However, if the industry has specific concerns about these proposals they should respond accordingly to the SRA's consultation.

Mr. Gordon Marsden

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when the signalling arrangements envisaged in the Strategic Rail Authority's Consultation document West Coast Strategy will have to be replaced with ERTMS technology to meet EU requirements.[77614]

Mr. Jamieson

The requirements set by the EU for the implementation of ERTMS do not include a specific deadline.

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