HC Deb 30 October 2002 vol 391 cc879-81W

The Council took stock of developments in other Council configurations during September and October, noting that the issue of the EU Return Programme on Afghanistan and its financing would be on the November JHA Council's agenda.



Delegations welcomed Ireland's ratification of the Nice Treaty and broadly supported the annotated draft agenda for the European Council in accordance with new procedures agreed at Seville. The Council confirmed that ten countries were expected to accede to the EU by 2004 and that accession negotiations with these countries should be concluded at the Copenhagen European Council, with signature of the accession Treaty following in Athens in April 2003.

The Council also supported the Commission's evaluation of Romania and Bulgaria's progress, noting the Commission's plan to present updated pre-accession strategies for these countries at the Copenhagen European Council. Turkey's recent and substantial progress was also noted.

Agreement was found on the institutional questions (weighting of votes in the Council; QMV threshold; future size of the European Paliament and seat allocation).

The Council also agreed the EU Common Position on the Competition Policy Chapter with the Czech Republic. Consultations on this with Slovakia will continue.


The Council took stock of discussions with Lithuania and the Russian Federation and expressed the hope that a solution could be agreed at the EU/Russia summit on 11 November. The Council proposed that the following elements should be contained in the package: (i) Lithuania should implement national border control regulations by January 2003, in line with chapter 24 of the EU Accession Treaty; (ii) the Facilitated Transit Document (FTD) should be available as of January 2003, in accordance with the Commission communication of 18 September 2002; and (iii) use of Russian passports, FTDs and other valid travel documents should be sanctioned by Lithuania until December 2004, for transit by train.


The Council, Commission and Parliament have jointly agreed to a draft Institutional Agreement to establish an EU Solidarity Fund. Signature to the Agreement and formal adoption of the regulation by the Council will proceed as soon as possible, enabling the EU to demonstrate its solidarity with the victims of recent floods in Central Europe.

External Relations


The Council took stock of the situation, following High Representative Solana's readout of 'Quartet' discussions on the roadmap towards achieving a comprehensive settlement by 2005. Ministers condemned the terrorist attack in Hadera, Northern Israel and expressed concern about the humanitarian situation in the Middle East.



The Council authorised the Commission to open negotiations for a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Albania, in parallel to the Consultative Task Force (CTF) meetings, which will encourage further reforms.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Council noted the October election results, complimenting the authorities' efficient organisation but stating that the low turnout was disappointing. The Council called for the early creation of new governments committed to vigorous reform. The Council reconfirmed the EU's commitment to work actively with the new authorities to this end.

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY)

The Council regretted that the 13 October election turnout was insufficient to enable the election of a new President in Serbia. It urged all political parties to work together to ensure that the process of selecting a new President would be conducted in a manner safeguarding democratic stability in a period of reform.


The Council supported the Kimberley process' aim to establish an international certification scheme for global trade in rough diamonds. It agreed to take the necessary steps to support this and adopted a Declaration to this effect.


The Council took stock of preparations for the EU-Russia Summit, to be held in Copenhagen on 11 November 2002. The Summit is expected to assess the Russia-EU Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, and will discuss EU enlargement plus international issues.


Council conclusions were adopted on the establishment of an EU-Iran human rights dialogue. The Council welcomed Iran's agreement to this dialogue and underlined its concern at current violations of civil and political rights.


The Council condemned the attacks of 12 October. It reaffirmed the EU's long-term commitment to the fight against terrorism and the need for the international community to act together.


The Council was briefed by the Presidency and the French delegation on the latest developments. The Council condemned the violence in Cote d'Ivoire, reiterating its attachment for the principles of the African Union, which condemns any recourse to force in order to obtain political change. It also welcomed the cease-fire agreement and offered support to ECOW AS mediation efforts.


Ministers had an exchange on the state of play concerning EU-NATO relations.