HL Deb 30 October 2002 vol 640 cc35-6WA
Lord Carter

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they have published any further reports received under the high level targets set by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for flood and coastal defence. [HL62161]

Lord Whitty:

During the Summer Recess we published three reports on the high level targets which are designed to assist in delivery of the Government's policy aims and objectives for flood and coastal defence. Copies were placed in the House Libraries. These reports relate to:

  • Target 2—Provision of flood warnings;
  • Target 10—Water level management plans;
  • Target 12—Development and flood risk.

Target 2—Provision of Flood Warnings. This report follows the one published in May of this year and shows the following improvements since the last report was compiled.

The percentage of flood warnings meeting target has risen by nearly 4 per cent from 67.6 per cent in April 2001 to 71.3 per cent in April 2002.

The coverage of a direct flood warning system to properties in areas at risk of flooding has risen by 3 per cent from 58 per cent in April 2001 to 61 per cent in April 2002. This is an increase of some 57,000 properties. Since autumn 2000 a further 322,000 properties are covered by the flood warning arrangements.

Target 10—Water Level Management Plans. This report summarises the agency's progress in developing and implementing water level management plans (WLMPs) on European sites.

Target 12—Development in Areas at Risk from Flooding. This is the first report published since PPG25 was introduced in July 2001 and is the starting point to consider whether these guidelines are working. PPG25 is due to be reviewed in 2004. Future reports will provide a clearer picture as the guidelines are embedded. In general, we are pleased to note that Environment Agency advice on flood risk developments is being accepted and followed by local planning authorities (LPAs).