§ Tony BaldryTo ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what changes she plans to make to the level of London weighting to which teachers are entitled to address recruitment and retention problems. [74526]
§ Mr. MilibandThe School Teachers' Review Body will be making recommendations early next year to the Secretary of State on this and other pay matters. The Government is aware that some schools have difficulties in retaining good, experienced teachers in inner London. The Secretary of State has asked the Review Body to give special attention to that issue. The Government does not, however, support further high, across the board increases next year covering the London Allowance areas, though does not rule out an increase in line with inflation. The value of the allowance has already increased by over 35 per cent. since 1997. The recruitment and retention issues across the London Allowance areas are complex. Schools are best placed to use their existing pay flexibilities to target the teachers they need. In addition, Stephen Twigg has been appointed as Minister for London schools, and the Secretary of State will shortly be appointing a London Schools' Commissioner to work alongside him. Their work will naturally take account of teacher recruitment and retention issues in London.