HC Deb 15 October 2002 vol 390 cc693-4W
Ms Shipley

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if she will make a statement on each of the sponsored projects put forward by each Government department as rethinking construction demonstration projects. [7460]

Mr. Wilson

The following Rethinking Construction demonstration projects have substantially been funded and procured by Central Government departments and agencies. It excludes those being taken forward by the devolved administrations in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Project 4: New Environment Agency Facility Building

Project 5: Kingston Hospital NHS Trust—New Ward Block

Project 24: North East Combined Capital Works

Project 26: Lincshore—sea defence

Project 29: Covered Ways 12 & 58–London Underground structural work

Project 28: M60 Manchester Outer Ring Road, Denton—Middleton

Project 33: Building Down Barriers

Project 52: Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Project 55: Earth Structure project—Work on London Underground structures

Project 83: Calderdale Healthcare PFI

Project 124: Princess Margaret Hospital Relocation

Project 126: Area 21 Highways Agency—Maintenance of network in North London

Project 147: RAF Kinloss Nimrod MRA4 Station

Project 167: 9 Dock Project—Trident submarine refuelling and refining facility.

Project 219: Greater London Authority Headquarters

Project 267: HMP Prefabrication and Pre-Assembly

Project 330: Lower Tone Flood Defence Improvements Scheme

Project 349: M62 Junction and Widening Jcts 8–9

Further information on any of the above demonstration projects is available from the Movement for Innovation section of the Rethinking Construction website at: www.m4i.org.uk/m4i/projects/projects.asp