- Bed and Breakfast Accommodation 183 words c829W
- Local Government Finance 163 words cc829-31W
- Fire Service 585 words cc831-40W
- Housing 5,414 words cc840-1W
- Millennium Dome 199 words c841W
- Property Prices (Taunton) 201 words c841W
- Regulation of Investigatory Powers 103 words c841W
- Parish Councillors (Model Code of Conduct) 51 words cc841-2W
- Personation 144 words c842W
- Congress of Local and Regional Authorities 286 words cc842-4W
- Homelessness 628 words c844W
- Pathfinder Renewal Project 111 words cc844-5W
- Local Government 318 words cc845-6W
- Regional Governance 221 words c846W
- Local Authority Referendums 90 words c846W
- Rural Housing 116 words