HL Deb 07 October 2002 vol 639 cc3-6WA
Lord Tope

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What options are they considering for the transition period for the new formula grant distribution system. [HL5666]

Lord Rooker

We will take decisions on the movement between the old and new grant distribution systems, including the duration of the transition and the levels of floors and ceilings, ahead of the 2003–04 provisional local government finance settlement. As in previous years, we will announce those decisions around the end of November as part of the provisional settlement process.

Lord Tope

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will set out exemplifications of the effects of each of the options set out in Chapter 9 of Formula Grant Distribution: A Consultation Paper for each London borough. [HL5667]

Lord Rooker

The effects on each London borough of the options contained in Chapter 9 ofFormula Grant Distribution: A Consultation Paper are set out on page 112 of that document.

Lord Tope

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish revised exemplifications of each of the options set out in Formula Grant Distribution: A Consultation Paper updated for the announcement of the comprehensive spending review decisions. [HL5668]

Lord Rooker

We are not intending to revise the exemplifications set out in the consultation paper, because using the spending review figures would introduce a new source of variation between the figures for 2002–03 and those produced by the options we have set out. This variation would obscure the consultation's focus on options for the new system.

Lord Marlesford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list the Planning Policy Guidance Notes at present in force, indicating in respect of each the date of the present edition; the date of the previous edition; and the date on which it is anticipated that the next edition will be published. [HL5751]

Lord Rooker

The table shown below highlights the current Planning Policy Guidance Notes produced and issued by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Details are provided in the table on the publication of the most recent version, alongside the previous edition that it subsequently replaced. In certain cases the guidance produced replaced a circular previously issued by the relevant government department, of which details are provided. Where no date is given guidance has been produced for the first time.

As the noble Lord may be aware, the Deputy Prime Minister made an announcement to the House on 18 July entitled "Sustainable Communities: Housing and Planning". As part of this announcement details were given concerning the revision of national planning guidance. We intend to review existing policy guidance over the next three years. Our priorities for review remain as expressed in the Planning Green Paper, PPG1, PPG4, PPG6, PPG7 and PPGs 15 and 16. We will seek to reduce the volume of guidance, while increasing the clarity; making them clearer, more concise and better focused on implementing policy objectives, while aiming not to change the existing balance of economic, social and environmental objectives in national policy.

Planning Policy Guidance Notes
PPG Title Latest Previous
1 General Policy and Principles Feb 1997 Mar 1992
2 Green Belts Jan 1995 Jan 1988
3 Housing Mar 2000 1992
4 Industrial and Commercial Development and Small Firms Nov 1992 Jan 1988
5 Simplified Planning Zones Nov 1992 DoE Circulars 25/87, 24/88 and Jan 1988 PPG5
6 Town Centres and Retail Developments Jun 1996 Jul 1993
7 The Countryside-Environmental Quality and Economic and Social Development Feb 1997 Jan 1992
8 Telecommunications Aug 2001 Dec 1992
9 Nature Conservation Oct 1994 DoE Circular 32/81, 1/92/27/87, 24/82
10 Planning and Waste Management Feb 1997 Replacing Waste Management part of PPG23
11 Regional Planning Oct 2000 Feb 1992
12 Development Plans Dec 1999 Feb 1992
13 Transport Mar 2001 Mar 1994
14 Development on Unstable Land Apr 1990 Ministry of Housing and Local Government Circular 44/61
15 Planning and the Historic Environment Sept 1994 DoE Circular 8/87, 18/88
16 Archaeology and Planning Nov 1990
17 Sport and Recreation Jul 2002 Sept 1991
18 Enforcing Planning Control Dec 1991 PPG1 Paragraphs 30/31, PPG4 Paragraph 19 and DoE Circular 22/80
19 Outdoor Advertisement Control Mar 1992
20 Coastal Planning Sept 1992 DoE Circular 12/72
21 Tourism Nov 1992 DoE Circular 13/79

Planning Policy Guidance Notes
PPG Title Latest Previous
22 Renewable Energy Feb 1993
23 Planning and Pollution Control Jul 1994 DoE Circulars 69/65, 43/76, 4/82, 21/87
24 Planning and Noise Sept 1994 DoE Circulars 10/73
25 Development and Flood Risk Jul 2001 Sept 1994

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