HC Deb 28 November 2002 vol 395 cc465-6W
Mr. Webb

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what representations he has received regarding changes that may be necessary to the minimum income guarantee claim form. [83953]

Number of applicants for Disability Living Allowance rejected on first application over the past two financial years in Great Britain
Number of DLA applicants rejected on first application
2001–02 192,315


1. Information is available only at a national level.

2. Figures are rounded to the nearest five


ASD Information Centre, data taken from 100 per cent, extract of monthly management information system.

Mr. McCartney

Extensive research and consultation were undertaken when developing the new, shorter, minimum income guarantee form (MIG1) however it is, as are all of the Department's forms and leaflets, kept under review.

We have received a request from Carers UK that the claim form be further amended to reflect that, since 28 October 2002, older carers have been able to claim invalid care allowance. The April 2003 re-print of the MIG1 will reflect this point, in the meantime staff handling MIG claims have been alerted to this change.