HC Deb 25 November 2002 vol 395 cc133-4W
Mr. Edwards

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what plans he has to improve the training of doctors in the diagnosis and treatment of dementia; [82262]

(2)if he will make a statement on Government support for people with Alzheimer's Disease; [82263]

(3)what recent representation he has received about the need for earlier diagnosis by GPs of dementia; [82261]

(4)how the National Carriers Strategy is meeting the needs of people who care for those with dementia. [82265]

Jacqui Smith

The Government fully recognise the importance of ensuring that the needs of people with dementia and their carriers are met. For that reason, the national service framework (NSF) for older people has a standard, a service model and milestones to monitor progress around the health and social needs of older people with mental health problems, including all people with dementia, and requirements around meeting the needs of their carers.

A key element of the NSF requirements is ensuring early diagnosis of dementia. We are aware of concerns over this, and of the research funded by the Alzheimer's Society to assess ways of helping primary care teams with diagnosis and treatment of dementia. The Department's care group workforce team for older people's services is also looking at the training needs of staff working with people with dementia.

Various other strands of work are under way to help with implementation of the NSF. For example, consideration is being given to the inclusion of a clinical guideline on the management of dementia within the programme of work of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence.

As a result of the national carers strategy, carers of people with dementia have a right to an assessment of both their needs and ability to continue caring. Ring-fenced money totalling £85 million this year and £100 million next year has been provided to allow carers to take short term breaks from their caring responsibilities. In certain circumstances, carers may also receive cash that they can use to purchase the services they need.