HC Deb 19 November 2002 vol 394 c59W
Linda Perham

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what steps he is taking to reduce(a)the number and (b) the seriousness of incidences of violence in schools. [80534]

Mr. Stephen Twigg

I am very concerned to prevent violence in schools. We have invested in a major programme to improve pupil behaviour through systematic early intervention to reduce the likelihood of serious incidents. £66 million was made available in this year's Budget to the local education authorities with the highest crime levels, to promote good behaviour and tackle poor behaviour. This can be used partly towards personal safety training for staff.

We have also published a free guidance pack entitled "Bullying: don't Suffer in Silence" and I would encourage all schools to obtain a copy. It provides detailed advice on preventing bullying and violence between pupils. In addition we have made clear that where necessary head teachers can permanently exclude pupils responsible for violence against members of the school community.

Earlier this year we published "A legal toolkit for schools", which is free publication summarising the range of legal remedies available to schools when staff face violence or threatening behaviour from parents.