HC Deb 07 November 2002 vol 392 cc532-3W
Chris Grayling

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what conditions are applied to payments of(a) attendance allowance and (b) payments towards nursing care; [79456]

(2) what right of appeal care home residents have against funding decisions taken by (a) the NHS and (b) Social Services. [79455]

Jacqui Smith

The guidance and directions on free nursing care describe the eligibility, review and appeal arrangements, copies of which are in the Library. These are also are available at www.doh.gov.uk/jointunit/nhsfundednursingcare/index.htm. The National Health Service and social services have complaint procedures that people can follow if they are dissatisfied with aspects of their care.

The eligibility of anyone in receipt of attendance allowance is not affected by NHS funding, though councils will need to take account of the receipt of this and other benefits if they carry out a financial assessment.